kj187 / dashing-jenkins_job

Jenkins widget for Dashing-JS
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Jenkins Job Dashing widget

Author: Julian Kleinhans · Blog: http://blog.kj187.de

Dashing-JS is a NodeJS port of Dashing, an Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards.

The Jenkins Job widget is a generic widget for Jenkins jobs which provides a highly visible view of the build status and build progress of selected Jenkins jobs. Via configuration it is possible to add multiple widgets for different Jenkins jobs.


example 1 example 2

Reallife example

Here you can see what you can achive only with Dashing-JS and this Jenkins Job widget.

Dashboard example

With other third party widgets Example



$ npm install -g dashing-js

Jenkins Job Widget dependencies

$ npm install jenkins-api
$ npm install cron
$ npm install moment
$ npm install request
$ npm install memory-cache


$ dashing-js install https://github.com/kj187/dashing-jenkins_job/archive/master.zip

Create a new directory config on your root directory. Move the widgets/jenkins_job/config.jenkins_job.sample.js file to this directory and rename it to config.jenkins_job.js.


The progressbar requires the jQueryUI styles and javascript lib. Add the following lines to your dashboards/layout.ejs

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://github.com/kj187/dashing-jenkins_job/raw/master//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://github.com/kj187/dashing-jenkins_job/blob/master//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.css">

or if you use Jade as your favorite template engine

link(rel='stylesheet', href='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.css')


To include the widget on your dashboard, add the following snippet to the dashboard layout file:

<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1" class="widget-jenkins_job">
  <div data-id="build" data-view="JenkinsJob" data-bind-class="result | append additionalclass" data-additionalclass=" widget"></div>
  <i class="fa fa-archive icon-background"></i>

Or again, if you use Jade as your favorite template engine

li(data-row='1', data-col='1', data-sizex='1', data-sizey='1', class='widget-jenkins_job')
  div(data-id='build', data-view='JenkinsJob', data-bind-class='result | append additionalclass', data-additionalclass=' widget')
  i(class='fa fa-archive icon-background')

You can add multiple widgets for different Jenkins jobs. Each widget must have his own unqiue data-id. My suggestion is to get the Jenkins job name for data-id.


To actually use the widget on your own Dashboard, you'll have to have an access token from your Jenkins server. If you don`t have an access token you can also use your username and password.

Minimum settings example

module.exports = {

    protocol: 'https',
    username: 'YOUR_JENKINS_USERNAME',
    host: 'YOUR_JENKINS_HOST',

    jobs: [
            id: 'build',
            displayName: 'Build',
            eventName: 'build',
            cronInterval: '*/1 * * * * *',
            apiMethod: 'last_build_info',

            displayArguments: {
                title_isEnabled: true,
                buildNumber_isEnabled: true,
                timeAgo_isEnabled: true,
                branch_isEnabled: true,
                displayDuration_isEnabled: true

Reallife settings example

module.exports = {

    protocol: 'https',
    username: 'YOUR_JENKINS_USERNAME',
    host: 'YOUR_JENKINS_HOST',

    jobs: [
            id: 'build',
            displayName: 'Build',
            eventName: 'build',
            cronInterval: '*/1 * * * * *',
            apiMethod: 'last_build_info',

            displayArguments: {
                title_isEnabled: true,
                buildNumber_isEnabled: true,
                timeAgo_isEnabled: true,
                branch_isEnabled: true,
                displayDuration_isEnabled: true

            parameterizedAttributes: [
                    attributeName: 'branch',
                    jenkinsParameterName: 'BRANCH_TO_BUILD'
            id: 'static_code_analysis',
            displayName: 'Static Code Analysis',
            eventName: 'static_code_analysis',
            cronInterval: '*/1 * * * * *',
            apiMethod: 'last_build_info',

            displayArguments: {
                title_isEnabled: true,
                buildNumber_isEnabled: false,
                timeAgo_isEnabled: true,
                branch_isEnabled: false,
                displayDuration_isEnabled: true
            id: 'install_latest',
            displayName: 'Install Latest',
            eventName: 'install_latest',
            cronInterval: '*/1 * * * * *',
            apiMethod: 'last_build_info',

            externalBuildNumber: {
               url: 'http://latest.your_application_url.host/build.txt'

            displayArguments: {
                title_isEnabled: true,
                buildNumber_isEnabled: true,
                timeAgo_isEnabled: true,
                branch_isEnabled: false,
                displayDuration_isEnabled: true

Jenkins settings

Setting Example Description
protocol https Http protocol of your Jenkins server
username julian.kleinhans Username for authentication
token ABCDEFG12345JHKLLAIJJ Access token or plaintext password for authentication
host jenkins-ci.kj187.de Host of your Jenkins server


You can define multiple jobs, keep in mind to add the html snippet in your dashboard layout file

Setting Example Description
id build Jenkins job name
displayName Build Widget title
eventName build Event name, must be the same as the data-id attribute
cronInterval /1 Click here for available cron patterns
apiMethod last_build_info Jenkins API method. Don`t change this value!

displayArguments gives you the possibility to show or hide some parts in your widget

Setting Example Description
title_isEnabled true Show title
buildNumber_isEnabled true Show buildnumber
timeAgo_isEnabled true Show time of last execution
branch_isEnabled false Don`t show the branch name
displayDuration_isEnabled true Show the duration time

In Jenkins it is possible to create your own attributes (parameterized attributes). With this array it is possible to read this dynamical attributes and bind them onto a variable.

Setting Example Description
attributeName branch Attribute name which is available for the data-bind argument
jenkinsParameterName BRANCH_TO_BUILD The name of your own Jenkins parameter

Imagine that you have two Jenkins jobs. A build job, which creates an build artifact and an install job, which installs the build artifact on a server. Each job has his own buildnumber. But, for the second install job, we would like to know which build artifact - from the first jenkins job - was installed. With this setting you can get the installed buildnumber via an text file. This requires that you have created an build.txt file in the first job and it was also deployed on your target node.

Setting Example Description
url http://latest.your_application_url.host/build.txt Text file URL which includes only the buildnumber of an artifact which is installed on that node

To create a build.txt file is quite simple, just add the follwing line to your Jenkins job where you build the artifact.

echo "${BUILD_NUMBER}" > artifacts/build.txt

BUILD_NUMBER is an global Jenkins variable, which includes the current build number. Make sure to deploy this file into the DOCUMENT_ROOT of your target node, so that it is reachable with an URL like http://latest.your_application_url.host/build.txt


Half sized widgets

The Jenkins Job widget provides you also the possibility to show a widget in the half size, so instead of one normal widget you can display two small widgets.


Two rows long Two rows small


Just switch your dashboard HTML to the following

<li data-row="1" data-col="3" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="1">
  <div class="widget-jenkins_job two-row-container">
    <div data-id="grunt_deploy" data-view="JenkinsJob" data-bind-class="result | prepend additionalclass" data-additionalclass="widget two-row-widget "></div>
    <i class="fa fa-code icon-background"></i>
  <div class="widget-jenkins_job two-row-container">
    <div data-id="create_backup" data-view="JenkinsJob" data-bind-class="result | prepend additionalclass" data-additionalclass="widget two-row-widget "></div>
    <i class="fa fa-dropbox icon-background fa-3"></i>

Or if you use Jade

li(data-row='1', data-col='2', data-sizex='1', data-sizey='1')
  div(class='widget-jenkins_job two-row-container')
    div(data-id='grunt_deploy', data-view='JenkinsJob', data-bind-class='result | prepend additionalclass', data-additionalclass='widget two-row-widget ')
    i(class='fa fa-code icon-background')
  div(class='widget-jenkins_job two-row-container')
    div(data-id='create_backup', data-view='JenkinsJob', data-bind-class='result | prepend additionalclass', data-additionalclass='widget two-row-widget ')
    i(class='fa fa-code icon-background')

The first example uses a data-sizex="2" attribute and the second data-sizex="1".

List style with multiple widgets

The Jenkins Job widget provides you also the possibility to show multiple widgets as a list. You can also set a container headline. One use case could be to collect all jobs from a node.


List example


Just switch your dashboard HTML to the following

<li data-row="2" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="1">
  <div class="widget-jenkins_job widget container">
    <h1 class="stackTitle">Title</h1>
    <div class="widget-jenkins_job item">
      <div data-id="install_latest" data-view="JenkinsJob" data-bind-class="result | append additionalclass" data-additionalclass=" widget"></div>
      <i class="fa fa-cog icon-background"></i>
    <div class="widget-jenkins_job item">
      <div data-id="unittest_latest" data-view="JenkinsJob" data-bind-class="result | append additionalclass" data-additionalclass=" widget"></div>
      <i class="fa fa-shield icon-background"></i>
    <!-- ... -->

Or if you use Jade

li(data-row='1', data-col='1', data-sizex='1', data-sizey='1')
  div(class='widget-jenkins_job widget container')
    h1(title='Titel', class='stackTitle')
    div(class='widget-jenkins_job item')
      div(data-id='install_latest', data-view='JenkinsJob', data-bind-class='result | prepend additionalclass', data-additionalclass='widget ')
      i(class='fa fa-code icon-background')
    div(class='widget-jenkins_job item')
      div(data-id='unittest_latest', data-view='JenkinsJob', data-bind-class='result | prepend additionalclass', data-additionalclass='widget ')
      i(class='fa fa-shield icon-background')
    // ...

Have fun :-)




Other Dashing-JS widgets

Do you know that I also created some other Dashing-JS widgets? Try out