kk42yy / DeMoSeg

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Decoupling Feature Representations of Ego and Other Modalities for Incomplete Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation


DeMoSeg, i.e., Decoupling the task of representing the ego and other Modalities for robust incomplete multi-modal Segmentation, consists of three major components, (i) feature decoupling of self and mutual expression for each modality, (ii) feature compensation based on clinical prior knowledge, and (iii) a U-Net backbone for tumor segmentation. By decoupling features, the learning burden of modality adaptation is reduced. The proposed novel layer named CSSA and the feature compensation strategy named RCR enable cross-guidance among features effectively. Significant improvements in results on multiple BraTS datasets have validated our method. These novel contributions are vital for brain tumor segmentation under missing-modality scenarios.


1 Concrete_Results


BraTS2020 contains 369 training cases which are split into 219, 50 and 100 subjects for training, validation and test, respectively.

Method WT TC ET
RFNet 86.98 78.23 61.47
mmFormer 87.08 78.69 64.08
MAVP 87.58 79.67 64.87
GSS 88.09 79.24 66.42
DeMoSeg 88.90 81.58 69.71

The results with bold represent the best performance, and with underline denote the second best performance.


BraTS2018 contains 285 training cases which are split into 199, 29 and 57 subjects for training, validation and test, respectively. We use a three-fold validation with the same split lists as previous works.

Method WT TC ET
RFNet 85.67 76.53 57.12
mmFormer 86.38 75.82 59.12
MAVP 86.60 76.00 60.01
GSS 87.20 78.25 63.49
DeMoSeg 87.96 79.79 64.90


BraTS2015 contains 274 training cases which are split into 242, 12 and 20 subjects for training, validation and test, respectively.

Method WT TC ET
RFNet 86.13 71.93 64.13
mmFormer 85.67 69.96 61.77
MAVP 86.56 71.94 62.06
GSS 87.59 74.16 66.92
DeMoSeg 88.96 75.88 66.17

2 DeMoSeg

We use three BraTS datasets that can be download at BraTS, or Kaggle. Data splits are consistent with RFNet. Here we firstly release the inference code and models trained on BraTS2020.

2.1 Environment and Dataset

1) Enviroment:

We only support `pytorch==1.12.1, torchvision==0.13.1, torchaudio==0.12.1, cudatoolkit=11.6`, please prepare the enviroment as following.

conda create -n DeMoSeg python=3.8
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
cd .../DeMoSeg
pip install -r requirements.txt

2) Dataset:

- Downloading original [BraTS2020](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn27046444/wiki/616571), [BraTS2018](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/anassbenfares/brats2018) and [BraTS2015](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/xxc025/brats2015).
- Turn images format into NIFTI, using [BraTS20XX_DataConvert.py](DeMoSeg/DataAndOutput/Dataset/Convert_Split_Code/BraTS2020/BraTS2020_DataConvert.py), the [Original Path](DeMoSeg/DataAndOutput/Dataset/Convert_Split_Code/BraTS2020/BraTS2020_DataConvert.py/#L101) should be set firstly.

2.2 DeMoSeg Training

1) Dataset split as previous works, like RFNet:

Obtaining the dataset split file by [BraTS20XX_Split.py](DeMoSeg/DataAndOutput/Dataset/Convert_Split_Code/BraTS2020/BraTS2020_Split.py)

2) Training:

- Set [BraTS Task](DeMoSeg/Train_Baseline.py/#L6), e.g. '2020', '2018' or '2015' and [fold](DeMoSeg/Train_Baseline.py/#L7).
- Train Baseline or DeMoSeg:
cd .../DeMoSeg
python Train_Baseline.py # Baseline
python Train_DeMoSeg.py  # DeMoSeg

2.3 DeMoSeg Inference

1) Prepare the inference dataset. Taking BraTS20 as an example, 100 testing cases should transformed into nii.gz format, and the suffix should obey following correspondence:

    correspondence: dict = {
        "T1"   : "_0000.nii.gz",
        "T1ce" : "_0001.nii.gz",
        "T2"   : "_0002.nii.gz",
        "FLAIR": "_0003.nii.gz"
Then, to better imitate the missing modality scenarios, and avoiding the impact from preprocessing, we mask the corresponding modality for each missing situation. You can use our provided [Nii_Mask.py](DeMoSeg/util/Nii_Mask.py), the transformed testing images may be as following:

        ├── imagesTs_0
        │   ├── BraTS20_Training_001_0000.nii.gz # T1
        │   ├── BraTS20_Training_001_0001.nii.gz # T1ce , masked by 0 for missing situation 0
        │   ├── BraTS20_Training_001_0002.nii.gz # T2   , masked by 0 for missing situation 0
        │   ├── BraTS20_Training_001_0003.nii.gz # FLAIR, masked by 0 for missing situation 0
        │   ├── BraTS20_Training_016_0000.nii.gz
        │   ├── BraTS20_Training_016_0001.nii.gz
        │   ├── BraTS20_Training_016_0002.nii.gz
        │   ├── BraTS20_Training_016_0003.nii.gz
        |   ...
        ├── imagesTs_1
        |   ...
        ├── imagesTs_13
        └── imagesTs_14

2) Download the trained model and put it anywhere.

| DeMoSeg_BraTS2020 | DeMoSeg_BraTS2018 split1 | DeMoSeg_BraTS2018 split2 | DeMoSeg_BraTS2018 split3 | DeMoSeg_BraTS2015 |
|--------------------------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | 
|[model](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WP7A9knH7xW-zI2WiYgodAkzjrun-svY/view?usp=drive_link) | [model](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jln2UwYIgk-1eBRTCLlMLeErxem6o5-3/view?usp=drive_link) | [model](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FHSBZYL_d2JWh-namx-rfZI3OxTqUavf/view?usp=drive_link) | [model](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GiYHFfy_GfE-54WVXkUc_NpjFQybZUWv/view?usp=drive_link) | [model](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_1FshjV_emD1meGbcmC-c4_PjEh6aTqN/view?usp=drive_link) |

3) We release the infer code, and using modality $\in[0,14]$ to specify the missing modality scenario. Parts of inference codes refer to nnU-Net V1. Before starting the inference, please develop the relevant parameters as below.

for modality in range(15):
    print(f"*********\nstarting inferring the missing modality situation: {modality}\n*********")
        task='2020', # BraTS: ['2020', '2018', '2015']
        model='.../BraTS20_Model.pth', # model path
        input_folder=f'.../missing_imagesTs/imagesTs_{modality}', # test images folder path
        output_folder=f'.../BraTS2020_Inference/missing_{modality}', # output folder path
        modality=modality # missing modality situation index

4) Infer:

    cd .../DeMoSeg
    python Infer_Baseline.py
    python Infer_DeMoSeg.py

2.4 Evaluation

1) Post-processsing and Evaluation

The post-processing is used following previous works, like RFNet, MAVP and GSS. We have also prepared **DSC, 95%HD, Sensitivity and Specificity** evaluation code for BraTS2020, BraTS2018 and BraTS2015 at [Evaluation](DeMoSeg/evaluation). Post-processsing and Evaluation codes are integrated, please set the inference output folder path and labels folder path at [infer_bathpath](DeMoSeg/evaluation/BraTS20_Eval.py/#L4) to obtain the results for each missing modality scenario. Finally, in order to get comparison statistical results as shown in the table above, please use [Final_result_statistic.py](DeMoSeg/evaluation/Final_result_statistic.py)

python .../DeMoSeg/evaluation/BraTS20_Eval.py
python .../DeMoSeg/evaluation/Final_result_statistic.py

2) 3-fold CV for BraTS2018

python .../DeMoSeg/evaluation/BraTS18_Eval.py
python .../DeMoSeg/evaluation/BraTS18_Statistic.py

3) AttributeError:

The `numpy` and `medpy` may have conflict in `np.bool`, please change it to `np.bool_`.
AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'.

Our FD, CSSA and RCR codes, BraTS2018 and BraTS2015 models are coming soon.

3 DeMoSeg_Slicer


DeMoSeg_Slicer is a useful tool built for 3D Slicer based on our DeMoSeg, capable of handling segmentation of gliomas with 15 missing modality scenarios. The relevant plugin codes are at DeMoSeg_Slicer.



If you find this repository useful, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Decoupling Feature Representations of Ego and Other Modalities for Incomplete Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation},
  author={Yang, Kaixiang and Shan, Wenqi and Li, Xudong and Wang, Xuan and Yang, Xikai and Wang, Xi and Heng, Pheng-Ann and Li, Qiang and Wang, Zhiwei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.08708},