kkalass / OffLike

RHoK # 4 / Berlin: Real World "Like"
3 stars 2 forks source link

= Off Like =

== Goal ==

Supporting things globally online is very easy and popular at the moment. There are Systems like Google+1;FaceBook Like and Flatter - to just name 3. Offlike aims to extend this pattern to local "offline" things. By placing QR-Codes ( or later NFC ) on real places with real problems - and giving the user the option to support this thing we hope to increase involvement with problems that matter for you - localy - offline . Why we are working on this problem:

The Problem definition "A Real-World "Like" for Campaigning and Advocacy" described an intriguing idea: connect real-life needs to online support. Implementing this is a lot of fun for us, and it seems to be very usefull, because this way you can simply activate your neighbourhood to show their concern for a common problem - locally, and visible globally. What we accomplished during the event:

We created a website, an app and mobile-site. All these there tools are necessary for participating in the Off Like button.

The campaign owner can create QR codes and check statistics on the amount of views and likes. Also there is a map so he can check where the QR codes are used. The app or the mobile site, provide an easy way show their support. By scanning the QR code the supporter can easily like the campaign with the usual social share buttons.

== Take part in Development ==

=== Installation requirements ===

=== Setup ===

=== Run ===

=== Deployment on Heroku ===