kkjishnu / Image-Dehazing-with-GAN

A pytorch implementation of Cycle-Dehaze
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Image Dehaze with GAN


NYU Depth dataset, containing 1449 pairs of hazy and ground truth images. The dataset can be downloaded and extracted by the following command. It will be placed into folders A and B.

wget -O data.mat http://horatio.cs.nyu.edu/mit/silberman/nyu_depth_v2/nyu_depth_v2_labeled.mat
python3 extract.py

Split the dataset into train and test and place them in a folder

    |─ datasets                   
    |   |─ Haze2Dehaze        
    |   |   |─ train              # Training
    |   |   |   |─ A              
    |   |   |   |─ B              
    |   |   |─ test               # Testing
    |   |   |   |─ A              
    |   |   |   |─ B