kkli08 / KvDB

Persistent key-value store database library.
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b-tree bloom-filter c-plus-plus key-value-storage lsm-tree protobuf rbtree


Unit Tests

Persistent key-value store database library. The KV-Storage database is a high-performance system designed to store key-value pairs and allow efficient retrieval based on the key. This system is inspired by modern databases like LevelDB and RocksDB, and supports multiple data types using C++ templates and Protocol Buffers.


kvdb::API::Open(string db_name)

Initializes the database system, setting up the necessary files and directories (including SSTs and related data). Can be initialized with a custom Memtable size or default size of 1e4.

// Initialize with default memtable size
auto MyDBDefault = std::make_unique<kvdb::API>();

// Initialize with a custom memtable size
int memtableSize = 1e3;
auto MyDBCustom = std::make_unique<kvdb::API>(memtableSize);

template<typename K, typename V> kvdb::API::Put(K key, V value)

Inserts a key-value pair into the database, where both the key and value can be of various types (int, double, string, etc.).

// Example of inserting different data types
auto MyDB = std::make_unique<kvdb::API>();
MyDB->Put(1, 100);             // int -> int
MyDB->Put(1.5, 'A');           // double -> char
MyDB->Put("Hello", 1e8LL);     // string -> long long

kvdb::API::Get(const KeyValueWrapper& key)

Retrieves a value from the database based on the key. Supports multiple data types.

// Example of retrieving values
auto MyDB = std::make_unique<kvdb::API>();
MyDB->Put(1, 100);
MyDB->Put(1.5, 'A');
MyDB->Put("Hello", 1e8LL);

// Retrieve the value by key
auto kv = MyDB->Get("Hello");
// Retrieve the value by `KeyValueWrapper` instance
auto kv = MyDB->Get(KeyValueWrapper("Hello", ""));
// Expected output: { key: "Hello", value: 1e8LL }


Closes the database, flushing any data in memory (Memtable) to disk and storing it in SSTs.

// Close the database and flush the Memtable to disk
auto MyDB = std::make_unique<kvdb::API>();

kvdb::API::Scan(KeyValueWrapper smallestKey, KeyValueWrapper largestKey)

Scans the database for key-value pairs within a specified key range. The results are returned in sorted key order.

// Scan for key-value pairs within a range
auto MyDB = std::make_unique<kvdb::API>();
// Scan by key
std::set<KeyValueWrapper> results = MyDB->Scan(1, 10);
// Scan by `KeyValueWrapper` instance
std::set<KeyValueWrapper> results = MyDB->Scan(KeyValueWrapper(1, ""), KeyValueWrapper(10, ""));

kvdb::API::SetBufferPoolParameters(size_t capacity, EvictionPolicy policy)

Set/reset buffer pool size_t:: capacity and EvictionPolicy:: policy (LRU, CLOCK, RANDOM)

EvictionPolicy newPolicy = EvictionPolicy::LRU;
EvictionPolicy newPolicy = EvictionPolicy::CLOCK;
EvictionPolicy newPolicy = EvictionPolicy::RANDOM;

This method will clear all the previous cache in the buffer pool.

// Open the database
auto MyDB = std::make_unique<kvdb::API>();

// Set buffer pool parameters
size_t Capacity = 20;
EvictionPolicy Policy = EvictionPolicy::CLOCK;
MyDB->SetBufferPoolParameters(newCapacity, Policy);

// Reset 
size_t newCapacity = 100;
EvictionPolicy Policy = EvictionPolicy::LRU;
MyDB->SetBufferPoolParameters(newCapacity, Policy);

// Perform database operations
MyDB->Put(1, "value1");
KeyValueWrapper value = MyDB->Get(1);

// Close the database

kvdb::API::Update() (Coming Soon)

This will allow the updating of key-value pairs within the database.

kvdb::API::Delete() (Coming Soon)

This will allow the deletion of key-value pairs from the database.

Supported Data Types

2024-09-12 Restructure with Protobuf

2024-09-09 Support Template<typename K, typename V>

enum KeyValueType { INT, LONG, DOUBLE, CHAR, STRING };

2024-08-28 Support <int_64, int_64>

SST file layout


Using Protocol Buffer for data serialization

syntax = "proto3";
message KeyValue {
  oneof key {
    int32 int_key = 1;
    int64 long_key = 2;
    double double_key = 3;
    string string_key = 4;
    string char_key = 5;  // Protobuf doesn't have a char type,  use a single-character string

  oneof value {
    int32 int_value = 6;
    int64 long_value = 7;
    double double_value = 8;
    string string_value = 9;
    string char_value = 10;

  enum KeyValueType {
    INT = 0;
    LONG = 1;
    DOUBLE = 2;
    CHAR = 3;
    STRING = 4;

  KeyValueType key_type = 11;
  KeyValueType value_type = 12;

Dataflow Diagram




Supported Platforms and Compilers

The KV-Store system has been tested across multiple platforms and compilers. Below is the current support status:

Platform Compiler Status
Ubuntu ARM64 GCC
Ubuntu ARM64 Clang
Windows x86 MSVC (cl)

Roadmap & Features

Protobuf Instruction

cd KvDB/protobuf
protoc --proto_path=. --cpp_out=. className.proto