klarna-incubator / webtraversallibrary

The Web Traversal Library (WTL) is a Python library for abstracting web interactions on top of a base execution layer such as Selenium.
Apache License 2.0
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Web Traversal Library

The Web Traversal Library (WTL) is a Python library for abstracting web interactions on top of a base execution layer such as Selenium.

Developed at Klarna Build Status License Documentation Status


Run pip install webtraversallibrary. That's it.

Usage example


You will find more information in the API docs. As a high-level overview, common terms in the documentation are:

Getting started

See the documentation at webtraversallibrary.readthedocs.io!

Also watch "Machine Learning to Auto-Navigate Websites" given at PyCon SE 2020 for an introduction and examples.

General architecture

The flow in a workflow is as follows:

1) Initialize the workflow with given config 2) Navigate to given URLs 3) Snapshot the pages 4) Run all classifiers 5) Check if the goal is fulfilled, if so exit 6) Call policy with the current view(s) 7) Execute the returned action(s) 8) Goto 3

For more examples and usage, please run make docs and look at docs/build/html/index.html.

Development setup

All development requirements are in requirements.txt. Install the packages from pip. Helper commands are available to create a virtual environment - make env-create and make env-update.

To lint the JavaScript files (not required unless you're editing them) you need jshint which is available from npm.

How to contribute

See our guide on contributing.

Release History

See our changelog.


Copyright © 2020 Klarna Bank AB

For license details, see the LICENSE file in the root of this project.