klarna / php-xmlrpc

DEPRECATED: the klarna xmlrpc library for php
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Verification of SSL Issuer "thawte SSL CA - G2" fails on Debian 8 #11

Open razorness opened 8 years ago

razorness commented 8 years ago

This issue is not really related to Klarna/PHP-XMLRPC but I guess it's good to know:

This curl exception will be thrown: CURL error: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate when doing request as following:

url: https://payment.testdrive.klarna.com:443/
http_code: 0
header_size: 0
request_size: 0
filetime: -1
ssl_verify_result: 1
redirect_count: 0
total_time: 0.635116
namelookup_time: 0.528931
connect_time: 0.575807
pretransfer_time: 0
size_upload: 0
size_download: 0
speed_download: 0
speed_upload: 0
download_content_length: -1
upload_content_length: -1
starttransfer_time: 0
redirect_time: 0
primary_port: 443
local_port: 39457


Curl-Info from php -i:

cURL support => enabled
cURL Information => 7.38.0
Age => 3
AsynchDNS => Yes
CharConv => No
Debug => No
GSS-Negotiate => No
IDN => Yes
IPv6 => Yes
krb4 => No
Largefile => Yes
libz => Yes
NTLM => Yes
SSL => Yes
SSPI => No
TLS-SRP => Yes
Protocols => dict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtsp, scp, sftp, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftp
Host => x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
SSL Version => OpenSSL/1.0.1k
ZLib Version => 1.2.8
libSSH Version => libssh2/1.4.3

There seems to be no way to register a CA Root Certificate on the fly for requests against Klarna API. You need to set curl.cainfo for cURL in php.ini globally to resolve this issue since Klarna/XMLRPC/Klarna isolates its instance of PhpXmlRpc\Client completely.

razorness commented 8 years ago

A link to corresponding ticket in Debian bug tracker: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=812708

gildebrand commented 8 years ago

I have this issue as well currently. How did you solve it?

razorness commented 8 years ago

The only way is to deactivate SSL and hope that the deb package maintainer will release a fixed version. :(

gildebrand commented 8 years ago

I've ben trying to find a way to deactivate it but could not find a working solution. Would you mind pointing me in the right direction?

razorness commented 8 years ago

Here is my code. The good news: I still use SSL. But I had to deactivate the chain of trust.

$klarna = new Klarna();
    // added this option in my fork to handle UTF-8 correctly

 * Hackish way to deactivate Peer Verification for SSL
$reflClass = new \ReflectionClass($klarna);
$reflProperty = $reflClass->getProperty('xmlrpc');
/** @var Client $xmlrpc */
$xmlrpc = $reflProperty->getValue($klarna);

For the general problem, take also a look at: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=774882#34

gildebrand commented 8 years ago

That works great as a workaround. Thank you very much! 😄

BTW, this affects Ubuntu (14.04) as well.