klarna / php-xmlrpc

DEPRECATED: the klarna xmlrpc library for php
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Packagist Version

Deprecation notice

This repo has been marked as deprecated. The SDK is not longer supported.
Please use https://github.com/klarna/kco_rest_php SDK instead.

About Klarna

Klarna was founded in Stockholm in 2005 with the idea of providing a zero-friction online payment solution that would allow consumers and merchants to interact with each other as safely and simply as possible. We do this by letting the consumer receive the goods first and pay afterwards, while we assume the credit and fraud risks for the merchants. Today, Klarna is one of Europe's fastest growing companies. In just 8 years, we've grown to 800 employees operating in 7 European countries with over 8 million consumers. But we are not satisfied with that. Our goal is to become market leaders within invoice-based payments worldwide and change the way the world shops online.

Get started



Example files can be found in the docs/ directory.


Documentation and more examples can be found at developers.klarna.com.


If you are upgrading from version 4 or earlier you can read more about it in docs/UPGRADE_v5.md

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions concerning this product or the implementation, please contact integration@klarna.com.

How to contribute

At Klarna, we strive toward achieving the highest possible quality for our products. Therefore, we require you to follow these guidelines if you wish to contribute.

To contribute, the following criteria needs to be fulfilled:


The Klarna XMLRPC PHP SDK is released under Apache License, Version 2.0