klaundal / lompe

MIT License
15 stars 9 forks source link


.. image:: https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/klaundal/lompe/main

LOcal Mapping of Polar ionospheric Electrodynamics (Lompe)

Lompe is a tool for estimating regional maps of ionospheric electrodynamics using measurements of plasma convection and magnetic field disturbances in space and on ground.

We recommend to use the examples to learn how to use Lompe, but the general workflow is like this:

.. code-block:: python

>>> # prepare datasets (as many as you have - see lompe.Data doc string for how to format)
>>> my_data1 = lompe.Data(*data1)
>>> my_data2 = lompe.Data(*data2)
>>> # set up grid (the parameters depend on your region, target resoultion etc):
>>> grid = lompe.cs.CSgrid(lompe.cs.CSprojection(*projectionparams), *gridparams)
>>> # initialize model with grid and functions to calculate Hall and Pedersen conductance
>>> # The Hall and Pedersen functions should take (lon, lat) as parameters
>>> model = lompe.Emodel(grid, (Hall_function, Pedersen_function))
>>> # add data:
>>> model.add_data(my_data1, my_data2)
>>> # run inversion
>>> model.run_inversion()
>>> # now the model vector is ready, and we can plot plasma flows, currents, magnetic fields, ...
>>> model.lompeplot()
>>> # or calculate some quantity, like plasma velocity:
>>> ve, vn = model.v(mylon, mylat)


(NB: In the below, if you do not have mamba, replace mamba with conda)

Option 0: using pip directly

The package is pip-installable from GitHub directly with::

pip install "lompe[deps-from-github,extras] @ git+https://github.com/klaundal/lompe.git@main"

You can omit some of the optional packages by removing ,extras.

This could also be done within a minimal conda environment created with, e.g. mamba create -n lompe python=3.10 fortran-compiler

Option 1: without development install of dipole, polplot, secsy

Get the code, create a suitable conda environment, then use pip to install the package in editable (development) mode::

git clone https://github.com/klaundal/lompe
mamba env create -f lompe/binder/environment.yml -n lompe
mamba activate lompe
pip install --editable ./lompe[extras,deps-from-github]

Editable mode (-e or --editable) means that the install is directly linked to the location where you cloned the repository, so you can edit the code.

Note that in this case, the deps-from-github option means that the dipole, polplot, secsy packages are installed directly from their source on GitHub.

Option 2: including development install of dipole, polplot, secsy

Get all the repositories, create a suitable conda environment, then use pip to install all of them in editable (development) mode::

git clone https://github.com/klaundal/dipole
git clone https://github.com/klaundal/polplot
git clone https://github.com/klaundal/secsy
git clone https://github.com/klaundal/lompe
mamba env create -f lompe/binder/environment.yml -n lompe
mamba activate lompe
pip install -e ./dipole -e ./secsy -e ./polplot -e ./lompe[local,extras]

Note that in this case, all four are installed in editable mode. And the local option instructs the lompe install to use those local versions of the package.

Hint: you can use pip list | grep -E 'dipole|polplot|secsy|lompe' to identify which versions you are using.

Hint: you can use pytest ./lompe/tests to check it installed correctly.


You should have the following modules installed:

You should also have git version >= 2.13

Lompe papers


The Lompe development is funded by the Trond Mohn Foundation <https://birkeland.uib.no/trond-mohn-stiftelse-grant/>_, and by the Research Council of Norway (300844/F50)