klavinslab / aquaverse

The Aquarium Portal
MIT License
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Aquaverse: Main Aquarium Web Page

This web page renders through github pages at http://klavinslab.org/aquaverse/

Customizing the menu

Documentation is mainly stored in the docs directory, with images in subdirectories. The menu on the left sidebar is editable via the js/definitions.js file, which defines a global variable config that is a hash with an array valued field called navigation. Each entry in the navigation array looks something like

      category: "Overview",
      contents: [
        { name: "About", type: "local-html", path: "about.html" },
        { name: "License", type: "local-md", path: "license.md"  },
        { name: "Releases", type: "local-html", path: "releases.html"  },
        { name: "Contributors", type: "local-md", path: "contributors.md"  },
        { name: "API", type: "external-link", path: "http://aquariumbio.github.io/aquarium/api/" },

Links in Files Documentation

To insert an image in a document, use either an md image tag like the following

[Plan Designer](docs/designer/images/designer-overview.png)

or, if you want css styling, an html image tag like

  alt="Plan Designer"
  style="max-width: 400px"

To link to a section in the same document, you can use a relative tag. For example, if you have a subsection specified with

## My Section

you would refer to it with

[My Section](#mysection)

where the tag is all lowercase and the spaces have been removed.

To link to another page of the documentation, as specified in js/definitions.js, use a hyperlink of the following form:

<a href="#" onclick="select('Lab Management','Inventory Definitions')">
  Inventory Definitions

Serving these pages locally

npm install -g local-web-server
ws --spa

External links

Because a page is constructed on the fly, the page will not have a specific URL. However, it is possible to link to a page using URLs using the category and content name from the navigation configuration using the pattern aquarium.bio/?category={category}&content={content}. (Substitute %20 for spaces.)

For instance, the following are valid links: