klaytn-hackathon / YBL

POG (Personal Opinion Voting Game)
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POG (Personal Opinion Voting Game)

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Final Project paper

[Technical Aspects]

  1. Why Blockchain?

In traditional voting or quiz applications, both the publishers and participants have to trust the platform on the result that there is no way to figure out whether it is manipulated or not. This is rather a serious issue as the fake news, which can also be considered as a sort of manipulation of data, are proved to have a considerable impact on public opinion these days. The fact that the result can be manipulated not only discourage the participants to participate on the quiz or the vote, but also discourage the publishers because, saying it’s a company who is trying to collect public’s opinion on a subject, if the result cannot be trusted, it loses its meaningfulness. This results in a waste of money for the publishers. Though it’s hard to censor the media, the quiz or voting processes can easily have integrity using the blockchain technology, which is exactly the area where we are going to tackle. Using blockchain’s immutability and transparency features, we are going to make the quiz and voting processes trusted by both publishers and participants to fully recover the meaningfulness of data.

  1. Are Baobab platform/ Klaytn tools/ KLAY well used/ applied to the project?

(Contract address: 0x66cb1a3bB215fD647Ed62962e12787A30d33740b)

Users of the POG can create a question to answer or vote on questions created by other users. This means that users can be both questioners and voters. If the users are questioners, they should use their KLAY tokens when creating a question set. However, if the question set they created is meaningful, or if there are many other users involved in that question set, questioners can get KLAY tokens back as a reward. Likewise, if the users are voters, they must pay a certain amount of KLAY tokens when they vote on the question set. However, if the voter's opinion matches the majority of the votes in the poll, voter will be compensated. There are two functions of Smart Contracts that run in this process. One is to pay for a question or a vote, and the other is to reward as a result of a question or vote. To deploy and test the Smart Contract implemented with this Solidity, we used the Truffle Framework and the caver. The Klay package from caver.js is used to show users their wallet status or allow them to make transactions. We're going to allow the users to see this transaction history (question history,voting history, and the overall result of the vote in which they participated), which is stored in the block. This is based on the transparency of the data that a blockchain platform can have and the scalability that Klaytn platform has.


  1. How this project benefits the customers/users?

We often wonder other people’s opinions. The questions can be profound or trivial, but either way, the answers to these questions sometimes lead us to unexpected inspiration. Therefore, our project aims to provide a platform where users can freely have a discussion on any question that pops up in their mind in everyday life, thereby giving the users opportunities to the inspirations we talked about. Because these questions will be given in the form of a quiz game, people will not only enjoy the processes, but also will be granted with tokens that have actual values within or outside of the platform. These rewards will grow as the users participate in more games (i.e. contribute more to the platform), and, this way, the users will be able to have their own questions answered by creating their own games with their own reward pool. People with more tokens will be able to have more people to participate by having larger reward pool.

  1. Do you see the project's potential for mass adoption?

We want to provide a simple and enjoyable service that everyone can easily experience the blockchain. Our service is a blockchain-based real-time question-sharing platform that provides people with information and entertainment value. Through our service, users can share and communicate with one another in the form of questions. This approach has the same context as a culture that is in vogue these days. (New communication culture, such as changing profiles, if you fail to answer questions) These fun elements allow users to feel connected. You can ask each other what you want to know or tell each other through a quiz and think about a topic you haven't thought about before. And by being able to understand the majority of opinions, you can see what many people have in mind, and furthermore, you can gain confidence in your ideas or get a different perspective. Our way of playing games is simple, but there are many psychological factors that will make us feel different from other games. The complexity of user interests has been made as simple as possible through the voting system and the simple UI structure maximizes usability. I think this will make it easy enough for the public to enjoy the game by using our service.

  1. Do you see any social impact it might bring?

Our service provides information and entertainment value to people by accessing them through simple games. People will see that blockchain technology isn't just as difficult and complex as they thought. Moreover, because we're transparently revealing the process of rewriting on a blockchain, people will perceive blockchain technology as a technology that guarantees trust rather than a fraud. In this way, our services will eliminate negative perceptions of blockchain and promote reasonable social interest in them, which will pave the way for greater expansion and development of blockchain services.


  1. Does a business model have profitability?

① Entrance Fee(Commissions Revenue) ② Paid advertising ③ Online survey agent service ④ Sales Commissions

① is calculated by (the number of users) * (the number of questions answered per person). The more users or questions are, the more entrance fee increase, so total revenue we earn will go up. The biggest characteristic of our platform can be explained as the sharing knowledge and opinions by asking question and retrieving answer. Therefore, we can carry out a targeted and effective Ad campaign by consolidating users’ Log-data and real-time analysis of users’ interest in order to generate a data profile. Moreover, because we have concrete profiles of users through examining large amounts of data, many companies enter in our platform to bid Ad spaces expecting it be highly effective and this is our fundamental and important ② advertising business model. We can also provide ③ a survey agent services with which many companies can figure out the general change in trends and the specifics of groups of people’s interest and opinions to whom company wants to sell its products and services. Users share any kinds of topics, knowledge in our service thus, many companies in various industries can use our agent survey services. ④ Our users can enjoy benefit by purchasing the discounted products or services from various companies forming partnership with us and we take a portion of commissions from the selling price it sold for.

Our contract addresses which deployed on Baobab

Most recent address


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