kleidis / Troppical

Manage your emulators easily
MIT License
51 stars 3 forks source link
3ds citra emulation emulator emulator-manager emulators switch



[!WARNING] I'm currently re-writing and also expanding the scope of this Pyrhon project but I'm doing so at at slow rate. Until than the project is put on hold. Currently working on cleaning up the codebase and making it work again becuase it is currently not working well


Troppical is a simple Windows program that lets you manage your emulators with an easy installation and updating process.

If you'd like an emulator to be added, feel free to open a feature request issue. Keep in mind that:


Most of this information might change in the future

Till the project gets more features added to it, you can downlaod the "legacy" or basic version from Releases page You can have multiple emulators installed at the same time

[!WARNING] Windows Defender might detect this application as a trojan/malware. This is not true at all, you can look at the source code and determine that it is not a valid claim, the app isn't that complex.** Please don't open an issue for this since there is nothing I can do apart from signing the app which I won't do

- init_troppical.exe is a portable executable so feel free to run it from any directory or drive

- Although Troppical is portable that doesn't mean the emulators are. For now, there is no way to move an emulator directory once it is installed. If you do so, Troppical will just install updates on the directory that you initially chose to install the respective emulator on. The Uninstall button will error out and prompt you to reinstall as well

Screenshot (Outdated)

Screenshot 2024-06-07 120452

Building for Windows


Install dependencies:

pip install pyqt6 pyinstaller pywin32 requests

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/kleidis/Troppical.git && cd Troppical


[!WARNING] Subject to change in the future. We might switch away from pyinstaller and remove the init script entirely