klembot / chapbook

A simple, readable story format for Twine 2.
MIT License
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Chapbook, a story format for Twine 2

by Chris Klimas

Chapbook is a story format for Twine 2, which means that it plays stories created in Twine in a web browser. This is technical documentation intended for people interested in understanding it better, contributing to it, or extending it. For information on how to use Chapbook to build stories in Twine, see the guide.


Run npm install to install most dependencies. mdbook is also required to generate the guide.


npm start starts a dev server with the runtime engine and the demo Twee source files under demo.

npm run start:extensions starts a dev server with a test harness for Twine editor extensions, e.g. the CodeMirror syntax mode and reference parser.

npm run start:website starts a dev server version of the Chapbook web site, including compiled format and examples.

Testing and Linting

npm test runs unit tests.

npm run e2e and npm run e2e:extensions runs end-to-end tests using Playwright. The e2e:extensions task tests Twine editor extensions.

npm run lint lints source code for problems.


npm run build will build the Chapbook web site and compiled format to dist/. It uses the version set in package.json when building the format, but files under homepage/ need manual updates.

Directory Structure

demo/ contains Twee files used both for development work and for end-to-end tests. Adding a .twee file here will cause it to be incorporated into the story used for both.

guide/ contains source files for the guide.

homepage/ contains source files for the format home page.

previous-versions/ contains all previous compiled versions of the format. These are updated manually.

scripts/ contains Node scripts used for build processes.

src/runtime/ contains all code related to the format when bound to a story.

src/twine-extensions/ contains code related to Twine editor extensions.