klemens / si7021-rs

Rust I²C driver for the Si7021 hygrometer and thermometer
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A Rust I²C driver for the Si7021 hygrometer and thermometer.


extern crate i2cdev;
extern crate si7021;
extern crate i2csensors;

use i2cdev::linux::LinuxI2CDevice;
use si7021::{Si7021, SI7021_I2C_ADDRESS};
use i2csensors::{Hygrometer, Thermometer};

fn main() {
    let device = LinuxI2CDevice::new("/dev/i2c-1", SI7021_I2C_ADDRESS).unwrap();
    let mut si7021 = Si7021::new(device);

    println!("humidity:    {:6.2} %", si7021.relative_humidity().unwrap());
    println!("temperature: {:6.2} °C", si7021.temperature_celsius().unwrap());


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