klepek / zfssa-zabbix

Zabbix template + scripts for ZFSSA monitoring
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Zabbix template + scripts for ZFS storage appliance monitoring

Tired of SNMP messages from your Oracle ZFS Storage appliance and complicated processing in zabbix?

There is better way, use this template for Zabbix together with few scripts to get some basic monitoring.

Why to use this?

How it works

Luckily, guys at Oracle implemented REST API and this script uses this to obtain data

How to:

1] choose server which will talk with your ZFSSA storage and copy *.py files into /usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/ (it can be your zabbix server) 2] setup cron (replace and with your values):

0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/zfssa.py --host <storage> --action all_pool_usage | zabbix_sender -i - -z <zabbix-ip> > /dev/null 2>&1
*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/zfssa.py --host <storage> --action all_share_usage | zabbix_sender -i - -z <zabbix-ip> > /dev/null 2>&1
0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/zfssa.py --host <storage> --action all_project_usage | zabbix_sender -i - -z <zabbix-ip> > /dev/null 2>&1
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/zfssa.py --host <storage> --action discovery
0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/zfssa.py --host <storage> --action hw_status | zabbix_sender -i - -z <zabbix-ip> > /dev/null 2>&1
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/zfssa.py --host <storage> --action replication_status | zabbix_sender -i - -z <zabbix-ip> > /dev/null 2>&1

3] add userparameter:

UserParameter=zfssa[*],/usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/zfssa.py --host --action "$1" "$2"
UserParameter=zfssa_pools.discovery,/bin/cat /etc/zabbix/zfssa_pool_discovery
UserParameter=zfssa_projects.discovery,/bin/cat /etc/zabbix/zfssa_project_discovery
UserParameter=zfssa_shares.discovery,/bin/cat /etc/zabbix/zfssa_share_discovery
UserParameter=zfssa_replica.discovery,/bin/cat /etc/zabbix/zfssa-zabbix/zfssa_replica_discovery

edit /usr/local/bin/zabbix-zfssa/zfssa.py and set user/password (Sorry, only one user/password for all monitored storages supported for now) and set management host to hostname which is set in zabbix.

4] import template and assign it to management host

What it can do?

Future features

Limitations, Caveats & supported zfssa configs