Issue description:
Basically I call my custom _init_ads() function which looks like this:
func _init_ads():
admob = null
admob = Engine.get_singleton("AdMob")
var res = admob.init(isReal, get_instance_id())
admob.loadBanner(adBannerId, isTop)
and before I call this function, I set isTop. However, this doesn't result in changing the ads orientation, but just creates two ads that never go away unless I use admob.hideBanner().
OS target (Android/iOS): Android
Godot version: 3.1.1
Issue description: Basically I call my custom _init_ads() function which looks like this:
and before I call this function, I set isTop. However, this doesn't result in changing the ads orientation, but just creates two ads that never go away unless I use admob.hideBanner().