kloder-games / godot-admob

Module Admob for Godot engine
MIT License
362 stars 62 forks source link


This is the AdMob module for Godot Engine (https://github.com/okamstudio/godot)

How to use


To use this module you'll need a custom template for Android. You can build it by yourself or download a precompiled one. Another option available for Godot 3.2+ is the new Android plugin system, much easier to use (no recompilation needed). You can find a port of this module using this system here.

Compiling the template (First Option)

This is harder, but you'll have more control over the building process. You can, for example, include any other module you want. For that, do the following steps:

Using precompiled templates (Second Option)

If you don't want or can't build the template by yourself, you can find a precompiled template with this module here. Go to the release tab and download the zip file.

Export configuration

Configuring your game


To enable the module on Android, add the path to the module to the "modules" property on the [android] section of your engine.cfg file (Godot 2) or project.godot (Godot 3). It should look like this:


If you have more separate by comma.


Follow the exporting to iOS official documentation.

Godot 2

Just make sure you're using your custom template (compiled in the previous step), for that rename it to "godot_opt.iphone" and replace the file with same name inside the Xcode project.

Godot 3

API Reference (Android & iOS)

The following methods are available:

# Init AdMob
# @param bool isReal Show real ad or test ad
# @param int instance_id The instance id from Godot (get_instance_ID())
init(isReal, instance_id)

# Init AdMob with additional Content Rating parameters (Android and iOS)
# @param bool isReal Show real ad or test ad
# @param int instance_id The instance id from Godot (get_instance_ID())
# @param boolean isForChildDirectedTreatment If isForChildDirectedTreatment is true, maxAdContetRating will be ignored (your maxAdContentRating would can not be other than "G")
# @param boolean isPersonalized Ads are personalized by default, GDPR compliance within the European Economic Area may require you to disable personalization."
# @param String maxAdContentRating It's value must be "G", "PG", "T" or "MA". If the rating of your app in Play Console and your config of maxAdContentRating in AdMob are not matched, your app can be banned by Google.
initWithContentRating(isReal, instance_id, isForChildDirectedTreatment, isPersonalized, maxAdContentRating)

# Banner Methods
# --------------

# Load Banner Ads (and show inmediatly)
# @param String id The banner unit id
# @param boolean isTop Show the banner on top or bottom
loadBanner(id, isTop)

# Show the banner

# Hide the banner

# Resize the banner (when orientation change for example)

# Get the Banner width
# @return int Banner width

# Get the Banner height
# @return int Banner height

# Callback on ad loaded (Banner)

# Callback on ad network error (Banner)

# Callback for banner on ad failed to load (other than network error)

# Interstitial Methods
# --------------------

# Load Interstitial Ads
# @param String id The interstitial unit id

# Show the interstitial ad

# Callback for interstitial ad fail on load

# Callback for interstitial loaded

# Callback for insterstitial ad close action

# Rewarded Videos Methods
# -----------------------

# Load rewarded videos ads
# @param String id The rewarded video unit id

# Show the rewarded video ad

# Callback for rewarded video ad left application

# Callback for rewarded video ad closed 

# Callback for rewarded video ad failed to load
# @param int errorCode the code of error

# Callback for rewarded video ad loaded

# Callback for rewarded video ad opened

# Callback for rewarded video ad reward user
# @param String currency The reward item description, ex: coin
# @param int amount The reward item amount
_on_rewarded(currency, amount)

# Callback for rewarded video ad started do play

Known Issues



Based on the work of:


MIT license