klugjo / hexo-theme-phantom

Hexo implementation of Phantom (http://html5up.net/phantom)
243 stars 65 forks source link

Phantom Blog Hexo

Hexo implementation of the free HTML5Up Phantom Template

Phantom is a photography/design portfolio oriented, responsive theme. Demo here.

Features Overview

Not Supported

External libraries used


SCSS support

Phantom uses SCSS as a css preprocessor. SCSS is not supported by default in hexo, the hexo-renderer-scss is required.

Install it by using:

$ npm install --save hexo-renderer-scss

Install the theme

Install the theme by using:

$ git clone https://github.com/klugjo/hexo-theme-phantom themes/phantom

Then update your blog's main _config.yml to set the theme to phantom:


# Extensions
## Plugins: http://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: http://hexo.io/themes/
theme: phantom

Theme Configuration

The theme's global configuration is done in /themes/hexo-theme-phantom/_config.yml.


The menu is configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Header
  Home: /
  Archives: /archives
  About: /about.html

The object key is the label and the value is the path.

Blog's Logo Image Source

The blog's logo (next to blog title) is configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Logo Image Source
logo_src: /images/logo.svg

Blog's Main Subtitle

The blog's main subtitle (text just below the logo) is configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Theme Main Subtitle
subtitle_main: This is Phantom, a free, fully responsive site<br />template designed by <a href="http://html5up.net">HTML5 UP</a>.

Blog's Second Subtitle

The blog's second subtitle (smaller text below the logo) is configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Theme Secondary subtitle
susbtitle_secondary: Etiam quis viverra lorem, in semper lorem. Sed nisl arcu euismod sit amet nisi euismod.

Footer About Section Text

The About section's text in the footer is configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Footer About Section
about_footer: This theme was initially developed by HTML5 Templates and adapted for Hexo by Jonathan Klughertz.

Default post title

The default post title (used when no title is specified) is configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Default post title
default_post_title: Untitled

Default index page cover image

You can specify a default thumbnail for posts on the index page (Home page). This image will be used if you forget to specify an image in the post's front matter.

# Default post cover index page
default_cover_index: "http://placehold.it/450x450"

Default post page cover image

You can specify a default thumbnail for posts/pages on the post/page page (Detail Page). This image will be used if you forget to specify an image in the post's front matter. If you don't specify a default and you don't specify an image in your post, no image will be displayed

# Default post cover index page
default_cover_detail: "http://placehold.it/1300x500"

Show Dates

By default, Phantom does not show dates for posts and pages. You can set this config to true if you need to.

# Show Dates for posts and pages


The comments provider is specified in the theme's _config.yml. If you specify both a disqus_shortname and a facebook.appid there will be 2 sets of comment per post. So choose one.

# Comments. Choose one by filling up the information
  # Disqus comments
  disqus_shortname: klugjotest
  # Facebook comments
    appid: 123456789012345
    comment_count: 5
    comment_colorscheme: light

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics Tracking ID is configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Google Analytics Tracking ID

Social Account

Setup the links to your social pages in the theme's _config.yml. Links are in the footer.

# Social Accounts
facebook_url: https://www.facebook.com/
dribble_url: https://dribbble.com/pixelhint
googleplus_url: https://plus.google.com/+Pixelhint/posts
behance_url: https://www.behance.net/

Post Custom Configuration

For each post, you can specify additional information in the front matter

Post's Subtitle

Use subtitle to specify the text that will be displayed below the title on the Home Page.

subtitle: Lorem Ipsum

Post's Index Thumbnail

Use cover_index to specify an image that will be used for that post on the Home page (also knows as index)


cover_index: /assets/work1.jpg

Post's Detail Thumbnail

Use cover_detail to specify an image that will be used for that post on the Detail page for that post.

cover_detail: /assets/hero_image.jpg


This theme was created by HTML5 Up and adapted for Hexo by Jonathan Klughertz.


If you have a question, feature request or a bug you need me to fix, please click here to file an issue.