kmaslowiec / gdzie-moj-stop

An app that reads from Szczecin bus transportation api and GPS location to find the nearest bus stop and display the schedule.
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Gdzie moj stop

The name of the app can be translated to Where is my bus stop? or in German Wo ist meine Bushaltestelle? It reads from Szczecin bus transportation Zditm API and device GPS location to find the nearest bus stop and display its schedule. The goal is to keep it simple. Only the chosen by the user bus stops will be displayed. It enables users to check the nearest bus and the departure time without unnecessary struggle or delay. The app will be available in three languages Polish, English, and German



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feature/1/initial-project or feature/epic-2/1/initial-project



Similarly, to keep a bidirectional history, each commit should be associated with the corresponding issue, so the template is following #issue_number description, example:

1 initial project

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