kmclellan / mstc

Client, Resource and Therapy Session Management for MS Therapy Centres
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Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre Client, Resource and Therapy Session Management

An open source, Ruby on Rails project to provide Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centres an integrated tool to manage clients, resources and oxygen therapy sessions. Please see Use Cases in the wiki for a view of where this project will be going and GitHub issues for the user stories that have been prioritised for development.

Initially created for the MS Therapy Centre Lothian

The software is intended to be run onsite on a dedicated Linux based server but can also be run in the "cloud" (for a demo, please see the latest version running on Heroku).

Deploy to Heroku

Pull requests and bug reports are always welcome!


Initial Developmet

Text files have been created (found under ./doc/) giving a very basic listing of features that are required or desired. These documents should provide a general idea of the controlers and data fields which need to be created.

Installation for Development


Before you get started, the following needs to be installed:

Grab the code:

git clone git://

Install the dependancies:

cd mstc
bundle install

Initiate your development database:

bundle exec rails db:create
bundle exec rails db:migrate

(Currently do not have a schema to load.)

To view the application run a Rack webserver. In production this will be Phusion Passenger (simple and reliable deployment). For development I am currently using Puma.

bundle exec puma



Please see for more detail.

If you have direct access to the repository then develop in a branch before merging to master. DO NOT DEVELOP IN THE MASTER BRANCH.

License / Copyright

The software is released under an open source MIT license (please see copyright file).