kmzbrnoI / hJOPserver

Main technological server for hJOP.
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 3 forks source link
hjop model model-railway railroad railway


This repository contains source codes of the main technological server of hJOP project.

Description of whole hJOP project is available in Czech at


Executable Windows files could be downloaded in Releases section. This project is nowadays distributed in x86 (32-bit) version only.

Basic information

hJOPserver connects to the model railroad via 2 dynamic libraries:

It creates TCP server for connecting of the model railroad operators (API specification), it creates UDP discover server (API specification) and it also features a PT server (API specification), which is used for remote diagnostics of the server.

It maintains many databases and allows operators to control model railroad like JOP system does on the real railroad in the Czech Republic.

The whole hJOP project targets mainly on czech users, so the whole GUI is in czech language.


Simply clone this repository (with submodules!) and build exe via Delphi compiler. Nowadays, the author does now know about any free compiler this project could be compiled with, Delphi 2009 and all newer versions are non-free.

This repository has (due to historical reasons) all commit messages in czech language.

Main project file: src/hJOPserver.dpr

Special components & libraries


This project was created by:

Do not hesitate to contact author in case of any troubles!


This application is released under the Apache License v2.0 .