kn1cht / Translate

Here is where we translate.
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Folding@home Translation Text Repository

Thank you for helping us reach even more people around the world by adapting the experience to their native language.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: We have switched away from YAML format to PO format. Please read the updates.

Before you start translating, please read this README to learn how we collaborate and how to find out what is already done and what is left to do.

Please check out the "Coordination" section, and the coordination threads to find out how your language team is coordinating with each other. Please submit pull requests to your language team's repository first. Your language team coordinator will collate all the translation changes, and submit a pull request to this repository.

What has changed?

After the discussion within the translation plugin development team, we have decided to move from the custom YAML format to the more standardised gettext Portable Object (PO) format. We have decided to embed formatting (not layout) within the PO files. This allows each PO file to follow the paragraph structure of the original webpage, while enabling more flexibility the translated text within each paragraph.

We believe that the format change is necessary for the long term maintainability of the project. We apologise for the extra work that you have to do. It is important to note that in software development, sometimes there are occasional requirements changes that require code refactoring and rewrite. This happens more often at the beginning of the project. We believe that there will not be major format changes down the line.

However we believe that the extra works we have to do is minimal - you should be able to copy and paste your translated works

The old YAML-based files are archived in the old-yaml branch.

How do we translate?

Please copy the files from Localization/en-US to your local language folder, e.g. Localization/zh-CN and update the metadata fields. Then, for each file, translate each msgid to msgstr.

We are using Markdown for formatting the strings to be translated and the translated string. We have made the decision to support the following Markdown syntaxes:

For more information on Markdown, feel free to have a look at Github's official guide, however, we are only supporting the formatting syntaxes statated above.

We would recommend to use one of the specialized free editors that are available for work with PO files:

They simplify the process a lot, because they take care of the correct formatting so that you can focus completely on the translation. You will have to add/edit the header data manually, however, as they are not supported by those tools. They also usually add more fields to the header automatically, which is perfectly okay.

Alternatively, you can use a text editor, such as Notepad++ or Atom if you prefer. Please remember to set your encoding to UTF-8!.

PO file mandatory metadata

At the top of each PO file, it is mandatory to have the following metadata fields:

  1. Schema-Version - The schema version of this PO file, e.g. 1.2. In future, we may have minor update to the format of the PO files.
  2. URL - The URL of the webpage that generated the PO file.
  3. Source-Language - The original language of the webpage, it should be `en-US. However, as FAH project grows, we may start seeing webpages that were written in language that was not English.
  4. Source-Version - The version code for the source PO file, e.g. 1.2.
  5. Source-Last-Modified - The last modification date for the source PO file, this must be in the format of YYYYMMDD, e.g. 20200704.
  6. Target-Language - The target language for this PO file, e.g. zh-CN.
  7. Target-Version - The version code for the target PO file, e.g. 1.2.1. (Note that it should be a subversion of Source-Version, please refer to the note below.)
  8. Target-Last-Modified - The last modification date for this PO file, this must be in the format of YYYYMMDD, 20200704.
  9. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" is needed to remove warnings during PO file validation. Your contribution should be in UTF-8 anyways.

Please note that:

The metadata should be stored as msgstr for an empty msgid. It should look like this:

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n"
"Source-Language: en-US\n"
"Source-Version: 1.0\n"
"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n"
"Target-Language: zh-CN\n"
"Target-Version: 1.0.0\n"
"Target-Last-Modified: 20200706\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"

Please note that PO file editors may add their own fields. This is totally okay.

How do I add a PO file?

It's awesome that you're eager to do more translations. For now, however, we don't have an established process yet to add new pages to the translation effort. We have to be careful with how we define the message IDs to ensure that they will later work correctly with our translation system. The translation coordination team will add more files as our processes mature and become more stable.

Translation style guide

Please also check out the Wiki for the translation style guide. Please feel free to contribute to the Wiki.

We will be adding more examples as translation progress.


There are languages with multiple translators, please organise a team amongst yourself. Please feel free to use the Folding@home Dev Discord server, or other communication methods your translation team is comfortable with.

We recommend one member of your language team to fork this repository, and give write access to all translators within your team, so every member of your team can commit directly to the forked repository. We would like members within a language team to discuss and review the translation. Once your team has agreed upon a final version of the translation, please create a pull request for this repository.

Every language team will come up with their own ways of working and also might be defining guidelines to follow. Check with them to find out what they already did and where help is needed.

You can check out the Wiki for some general guidelines and we would highly recommend joining the development Discord server to easily coordinate with the other translators (and to avoid working on the same things).

Todo for developers

For this respository, we urgently need followings:

Other development tasks include:

What if I need help?

Please feel free to open an Github issue, and tag Fufu (fangfufu), Till Helge (Tar-Minyatur), ReadyPlayerEmma and/or Antonthynell. Alternatively, you could post a message in the main transation channel on Folding@home Dev Discord server and tag one of us.