SJNetwork provides a high level network request API based on AFNetworking and inspired by YTKNetwork: generating network request object according to the configuration of a specific network request(url, method, parameters etc.) and managing requests by the corresponding objects.
Document for Chinese-convenient reader:中文文档
Method1: using Cocoapods:
pod 'SJNetwork'
#import <SJNetwork/SJNetwork.h>
Method2: moving SJNetwork
folder into your project.
#import "SJNetwork.h"
[SJNetworkConfig sharedConfig].baseUrl = @"";
[SJNetworkConfig sharedConfig].defailtParameters = @{@"app_version":[[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"],
[SJNetworkConfig sharedConfig].timeoutSeconds = 30;//default is 20s
[SJNetworkConfig sharedConfig].debugMode = YES;//default is NO
[[SJNetworkConfig sharedConfig] addCustomHeader:@{@"token":@"2j4jd9s74bfm9sn3"}];
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] addCustomHeader:@{@"token":@"2j4jd9s74bfm9sn3"}];
The input key-value pair will be added in network request header.
If a pair with same key-value dose not exist, then add it, if it exists, then replace it.
POST request (none writing or none loading cache):
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendPostRequest:@"toutiao/index"
@"key" :@"0c60"}
success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSInteger statusCode) {
POST request ( writing and loading cache):
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendPostRequest:@"toutiao/index"
@"key" :@"0c60"}
success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSInteger statusCode) {
If loadcache is set to be YES, then try to load cache before sending network request.
If cacheDuration is set to be more than 0, then write cache after receiving response object.
Flow chart of cache operation in ordinary requests:
Loading cache of a specific network request:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] loadCacheWithUrl:@"toutiao/index"
@"key" :@"0c60"}
completionBlock:^(id _Nullable cacheObject) {
Loading cache of network requests share the same request url:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] loadCacheWithUrl:@"toutiao/index"
completionBlock:^(NSArray * _Nullable cacheArr) {
Loading cache of network requests which share the same request url and method:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] loadCacheWithUrl:@"toutiao/index"
completionBlock:^(NSArray * _Nullable cacheArr) {
Clearing cache of one specific network request:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] clearCacheWithUrl:@"toutiao/index"
@"key" :@"0c60"}
completionBlock:^(BOOL isSuccess) {
Clearing cache of network requests share the same request url:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] clearCacheWithUrl:@"toutiao/index"
completionBlock:^(BOOL isSuccess) {
Clearing cache of network requests which share the same request url and method:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] clearCacheWithUrl:@"toutiao/index"
completionBlock:^(BOOL isSuccess) {
Calculating the size of cache folder:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] calculateCacheSizeWithCompletionBlock:^(NSUInteger fileCount, NSUInteger totalSize, NSString *totalSizeString) {
NSLog(@"file count :%lu and total size:%lu total size string:%@",(unsigned long)fileCount,(unsigned long)totalSize, totalSizeString);
fileCount:file counts in cache folder
totalSize: size of cache folder(unit is byte)
totalSizeString:size of cache folder (size of unit) eg.
file count :5 and total size:1298609 total size string:1.2385 MB
Uploading one image, original size:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendUploadImageRequest:@"api"
progress:^(NSProgress *uploadProgress) {
self.progressView.observedProgress = uploadProgress;
} success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSInteger statusCode, NSArray<UIImage *> *uploadFailedImages) {
Here, the mimeType can be jpg/JPG, png/PNG, jpeg/JPEG and if the user gives a wrong type, the mimeType will be jpg.
Uploading two images, compress ratio is 0.5(note that if the mineType is 'png' or 'PNG', the compressRatio will be useless):
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendUploadImagesRequest:@"api"
progress:^(NSProgress *uploadProgress) {
self.progressView.observedProgress = uploadProgress;
} success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSInteger statusCode, NSArray<UIImage *> *uploadFailedImages) {
And if the server which is used for uploading is different from the server for ordinary requests, you can user this api:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendUploadImagesRequest:@""
progress:^(NSProgress *uploadProgress) {
self.progressView.observedProgress = uploadProgress;
} success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSInteger statusCode, NSArray<UIImage *> *uploadFailedImages) {
Here, setting ignoreBaseUrl to be YES, and the request url should be complete download url.
We support background downloading(using NSURLSessionDownloadTask object ) and none-background downloading(using NSURLSessionDataTask object) , resumable or none-resumable downloading.
resumable | none-resumable | |
background supporting | ✅ | ✅ |
none-background supporting | ✅ | ✅ |
Note:If a none-background supporting downloading is on going then app enters into background, the downloading task will be canceled. And When app enters into foreground again, an
auto-resume mechanism
will make the downloading task restart again.
Resumable && none-background supporting download reqeust (default configuration):
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendDownloadRequest:@"wallpaper.jpg"
progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize, CGFloat progress)
self.progressView.progress = progress;
} success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSString *resumableDataPath) {
None-resumable && none-background supporting download reqeust:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendDownloadRequest:@"half-eatch.jpg"
progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize, CGFloat progress)
self.progressView.progress = progress;
} success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSString *resumableDataPath) {
Resumable && background supporting download request:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendDownloadRequest:@"universe.jpg"
progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize, CGFloat progress)
self.progressView.progress = progress;
} success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSString *resumableDataPath) {
None-resumable && background supporting download request:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendDownloadRequest:@"iceberg.jpg"
progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize, CGFloat progress)
self.progressView.progress = progress;
} success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSString *resumableDataPath) {
Also supports ignoring base url:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] sendDownloadRequest:@""
progress:^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize, CGFloat progress)
self.progressView.progress = progress;
} success:^(id responseObject) {
} failure:^(NSURLSessionTask *task, NSError *error, NSString *resumableDataPath) {
Suspending one download current request:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] suspendDownloadRequest:@"universe.jpg"];
Suspending one or more than one current download requests:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] suspendDownloadRequests:@[@"universe.jpg",@"wallpaper.jpg"]];
Suspending all current download requests:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] suspendAllDownloadRequests];
Resuming one download suspended request:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] resumeDownloadReqeust:@"universe.jpg"];
Resuming one or more than one download requests:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] resumeDownloadReqeusts:@[@"universe.jpg",@"wallpaper.jpg"]];
Resuming all current suspended requests:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] resumeAllDownloadRequests];
Canceling one download request:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] cancelDownloadRequest:@"universe.jpg"];
Canceling one or more than one current download requests:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] cancelDownloadRequests:@[@"universe.jpg",@"wallpaper.jpg"]];
Canceling all current download requests:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] cancelAllDownloadRequests];
Checking if there is remaining current request(s):
BOOL remaining = [[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] remainingCurrentRequests];
if (remaining) {
NSLog(@"There is remaining request");
Calculating count of current request(s):
NSUInteger count = [[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] currentRequestCount];
if (count > 0) {
NSLog(@"There is %lu requests",(unsigned long)count);
Logging all current request(s):
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] logAllCurrentRequests];
Canceling one network request:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] cancelCurrentRequestWithUrl:@"toutiao/index"
@"key" :@"0c60"}];
Canceling network request(s) with the same url:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] cancelCurrentRequestWithUrl:@"toutiao/index"];
Canceling network request(s) with the same urls:
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] cancelDownloadRequests:@[@"toutiao/index",@"weixin/query"]];
Canceling all current network request(s):
[[SJNetworkManager sharedManager] cancelAllCurrentRequests];
If debug mode is set to be yes, detail log will be provided:
[SJNetworkConfig sharedConfig].debugMode = YES;
Loading cache before sending network request, but cache is expired:
=========== Load cache info failed, reason:Cache is expired, begin to clear cache...
=========== Load cache failed: Cache info is invalid
=========== Failed to load cache, start to sending network request...
=========== Start requesting...
=========== url:
=========== method:GET
=========== parameters:{
app_version = 1.0;
key = 0c60;
platform = iOS;
type = top;
=========== Request succeed!
=========== Request url:
=========== Response object:{
code = 200,
msg = "",
data = {}
=========== Write cache succeed!
=========== cache object: {
code = 200,
msg = "",
data = {}
=========== Cache path: /Users/*******/
=========== Available duration: 180 seconds
Thanks for these service:
And also thanks for these two excellent framework:
SJNetwork is released under the MIT License.