Knime provides powerful and flexible means to mine data. However, screening data requires some particular methods, that should be usable with little effort for daily analysis tasks. Therefore the High Content Screening Tools (HCS-Tools) come with a set of nodes to make the life of "screeners" easier.
Since this extensions is available as trusted community extension, it's available under{knime.version}
Please follow the installation instructions.
Since KNIME is an Eclipse application it is easiest to use that IDE. Follow the instruction on KNIME SDK repository to install and confige Eclipse for KNIME development.
To work on this project use File → Import → Git → Projects from Git File → Clone URI
and enter this repositorie's URL.
In the main menu of Eclipse go to Run → Debug Configurations... → Eclipas Application → KNIME Analytics Platform
and hit Debug
You might want to change the memory settings in the Arguments
tab of the debug configuration by adding:
Once KNIME Analytics Platform is installed you have the following possibilities: