knkski / atai

Analyze This! AI competition
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Code for Analyze This! does AI competition

Runs a deep neural network against the notMNIST dataset.

Getting Started

NOTE: These instructions only cover setting up Keras with the slower CPU support. Installing GPU support is beyond the scope of this README, but instructions can be found here:

ANOTHER NOTE: These instructions reference ~/atai, which works on Mac. Windows users should substitute %userprofile%/data.

To start, ensure that you have Docker installed:

You will need to restart your computer after installing Docker. Then, install Kitematic:

After this, Docker should be up and running. Note that if you ever get an error such as this, you should start Kitematic to ensure that Docker is running properly:

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?

Next, download this repository by running this command from the terminal:

git clone
cd atai

You will then need to download the notMNIST datasets. You can either run these commands, or copy the URLs into your browser and move the downloaded files to the directory that the code lives in



You will need to extract the dataset files into normal image files. On Windows, you can install 7-zip to extract them. On Mac, you can run this command:

tar -xzvf ./notMNIST_small.tar.gz
tar -xzvf ./notMNIST_large.tar.gz

Then, run the preprocessing step to convert the notMNIST datasets into numpy arrays. This will create the files notmnist_large.npz and notmnist_small.npz.

docker run -itv ~/atai:/atai --rm knkski/atai python

Note that you should (hopefully) only have to do this once, unless you start playing around with modifying the datasets yourself.


Finally, run to train the model. If not not passed any arguments, it will default to running against the MNIST data set. To train against one of the notMNIST data sets, pass in the path to the preprocessed data file.

docker run -itv ~/atai:/atai --rm knkski/atai python                     # Runs against MNIST data set
docker run -itv ~/atai:/atai --rm knkski/atai python notmnist_large.npz  # Runs against large notMNIST data set
docker run -itv ~/atai:/atai --rm knkski/atai python notmnist_small.npz  # Runs against small notMNIST data set

This will show how well the model did against the data set, and then save it as model.h5.


After generating a model.h5 file, you can use that file to make predictions of whatever image files you wish with this command:

docker run -itv ~/atai:/atai --rm knkski/atai python notMNIST_small/A/MDEtMDEtMDAudHRm.png


You can run a Jupyter notebook with this codebase if you wish. Run this command, and copy/paste the link that it gives you into your browser:

docker run -itv ~/atai:/atai --rm -p 8888:8888 knkski/atai jupyter notebook --allow-root

To stop Jupyter, simply press Ctrl+C in the terminal window where you ran the command.


Tensorboard is a built-in tool for Tensorflow, and has a bunch of cool visualizations available. You can it with this command:

docker run -itv ~/atai:/atai --rm -p 6006:6006 knkski/atai tensorboard --logdir=logs/

To stop tensorboard, you can also press Ctrl+C in the terminal window you ran it from.

Background Reading

These papers have been recommended for background on deep learning: