knowit / Dataplattform

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This project is an internal initiative for Knowit Objectnet. The purpose of the project is manyfold. It should give hand-on experience on cloud solutions and serverless architecture and it aims to make data available for users of the data platform.

The main architecture consists of AWS Lambda-functions serving for data ingestion and processing and AWS S3 as datalake storage. API's for data exploration is under development and schemas are auto-generated using AWS Glue while querys can be done using AWS Athena.

Currently the platform gathers data from several different datasources, both as scheduled event polls and web hook events. Amongst the supported datasources are yr, github-repos and the internal CV database for Knowit, CV Partner.


  1. python 3.9
  2. nodejs v16 and npm
  3. serverless v3: npm install -g serverless@3.22.0
  4. aws-cli It is also highly recommended that you use a virtual environment or similar to manage pip packages and dependencies. To configure aws-cli, please contact an existing member of the team for credentials.


Members of the Dataplattform team can find useful information pertaining to the project on the wiki.

Running the services

The individual services are deployed to AWS using dataplattform deploy -s {PATHS TO SERVICES SEPARATED BY SPACE}


Contributing by adding a new datasource or other small improvements can be done by creating a pull request as local testing can be utilized and AWS connections mocked. For cloud testing one must be member of the Dataplattform team at Knowit Objectnet.

For more information about the CI/CD pipeline of this repo, see Dataplattform: CI CD Pipeline

Protected branches

Branches that are not named using the feature/ or fix/ prefixes are automatically protected, meaning that it is not possible to push directly to these branches. Instead, one must create a pull request into these branches, and these pull requests must be approved by another contributor in order to enable merge.

Automatic testing

Lint checks and unit testing will be performed on every pull request.

Automatic deployment

Everything merged into the main branch will be automatically deployed to the Dataplattform dev-environment.

To deploy the repository to the Dataplattform prod-environment, create a new release from the main branch. Its tag name should be one minor version up from the previous release.

After a deployment is made, either by merging into main or by creatng a new release, you should always go to the Actions tab to keep an eye on the deployment workflow, in case anything fails.

Adding a new feature or fix

Every new feature or fix is created in it's own branch prefixed with feature/{BRANCH_NAME} or fix/{BRANCH_NAME}, accordingly, where the branch name is descriptive of it's intended purpose.

  1. Check into main by running git checkout main, and pull the most recent changes by running git pull origin main --rebase.
  2. Create your branch by running git checkout -b feature/{BRANCH_NAME} or git checkout -b fix/{BRANCH_NAME}.
  3. Perform some change to the code and commit the changes to your local branch by running git commit -m "{COMMIT_DESCRIPTION}".
  4. As a best practice, repeat step 3 for every atomic change to the code. This way, if you make a mistake, you can easily return to your last commit.
  5. When your new feature or fix is complete you can push your local commits to a remote branch by running git push --set-upstream origin feature/{BRANCH_NAME} or git push --set-upstream origin fix/{BRANCH_NAME}
  6. Create a pull request from your new branch into the main branch.
  7. If any of the tests fail or if your pull request was not approved, revisit your code to make the required changes.
  8. Once all tests have passed and your pull request has been approved you may merge the pull request into main by pressing squash and merge.
  9. Your changes will be automatically deployed to the dev environment. Keep an eye on the deployment workflow in case it fails.
  10. Delete your branch after the merge.

Pushing to production

Once the dev environment is functional and stable, you may want to push all of the previous changes to the production environment. This is done by creating a new release.

  1. Go to Tags -> Releases.
  2. Look at the name of the newest release. You want your release name to be increased by one minor version.
  3. Click Draft new release
  4. Create a new tag with the new version.
  5. Target should be main
  6. Release title should be the same as the tag name
  7. Click Generate release notes
  8. Click Publish release
  9. Go to the Actions tab and keep an eye on the deployment process.

Github workflows

Workflow scripts

To create the CI/CD pipeline, a set of bash-scripts has been used. These scripts, along with their unit tests, are all within the .workflow-scripts directory and is only used within the Github workflows.

The BATS framework has been used for unit testing these scripts. If you have BATS installed on your local machine, the tests may be run using the following command:

bats -r .workflow-scripts


Deploy Dataplattform

File: .github/workflows/deploy.yml

This workflow is ran every time code is pushed to the main branch, or whenever a new release is published.

When ran, this workflow looks at every changed file, and looks for serverless.yml files in any of the changed files' parent directories. If a serverless.yml file is found, that service is added to a list of services to be deployed.

Lastly, the command dataplattform deploy is ran for every service that is to be deployed.

Lint Python

File: .github/workflows/lint-python.yml

If a Python file is changed in a pull-request, then this workflow runs Flake8 on every pyhton file in the project.

The Flake8 config in the file .config/.flake8 is used.


File: .github/workflows/lint-yaml.yml

If a YAML file is changed in a pull-request, then this workflow runs yamllint on every TAML file in the project.

The yamllint config in the file .config/.yamllint is used.

Test Python

File: .github/workflows/test-python.yml

This workflow is ran every time a pull-request is made to the main branch.

When ran, this workflow looks at every changed file, and looks for tox.ini files in any of the changed files' parent directories. If a tox.ini file is found, that service is added to a list of services to be tested.

Lastly, the command tox -r is ran in every directory that is to be tested.

Test workflow scripts

File: .github/workflows/test-workflow-scripts.yml

This workflow is ran every time a pull-request is made to the main branch containing changes in the .workflow-scripts directory.

When ran, this workflow runs BATS unit tests on all the BATS-files within the .workflow-scripts directory.