knowit /

Webside for Sundvollen fagseminar våren 2020
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

Build Status

Knowit Sundvolden

Created with Gatsby.

Before commit

Run prettier to pretify the code.

yarn prettier

Airtable-integration on build & configuring secrets

The project uses as backend. The following environment-variable should be set to build:

Because of a limitation in the airtable-plugin, a dummy-row should be populated with all fields (usersIds = 'Dummy'. This row is filtered out by the graphql-call, see src/graphql/airtable.js

Install gatsby

npm install --global gatsby-cli

and install dependencies inside this folder:


And run from your CLI:

yarn start

To build, run:

yarn build

When pushing to master, the application is automatically deployed. Or you can look under the build-directory for the code to an AWS Lambda that triggers a Travis-build on master. Implemented with the serverless framework. The lambda is triggered by a Slash-command ( from Slack.

Important libraries used: