knupfer / haskell-emacs

Write Emacs extensions in Haskell
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spacemacs with old ghc doesn't work #50

Closed ngksternhagen closed 8 years ago

ngksternhagen commented 8 years ago

EDIT -- Heavy and protracted CPU use during haskell-emacs init is not expected, so my original request for documentation isn't really valid. Also edited for accuracy and brevity.

I tried to install haskell-emacs using additional-packages in spacemacs, but I was using an old GHC. This failed in a dramatic way.

After installing the haskell-emacs package (I use Spacemacs, so this was handled by the dotspacemacs-additional-packages function) I did M-x haskell-emacs-init and answered yes to the prompts.

My emacs then was blocked, and CPU load on my laptop went to near 100% (on 1 of 4 cores) for several hours before I killed the emacs process.

Thanks for writing this tool, I'm very excited to hack around with haskell-emacs once it's up and running.

knupfer commented 8 years ago

hi ngksternhagen,

this is quite strange. The first initialization should take something like 5 minutes to download some dependencies and print at the same time feedback to the message prompt what it's doing at the moment. The interesting part of your problem is that your CPU is busy so it hasn't crashed. Well, if your cpu is very slow it is possible...

It has terminated by now? If not, what were the messages printed to your prompt (or in the message buffer)? What is the contents of your ~/.emacs.d/haskell-fun ? Is there a "Matrix.hs", a ".HaskellEmacs.hs", a ".HaskellEmacs", a ".cabal"?


ngksternhagen commented 8 years ago

my environment is (please let me know if more details are needed):

knupfer commented 8 years ago

Albeit your GHC is ancient and I strongly recommend that you switch to a newer one (via ppa:hvr/ghc), according to travis it should work...

Would you mind posting the other informations? Were there any messages? How does your ~/.emacs.d/haskell-fun folder look? Is there a file ~/.emacs.d/haskell-fun/.HaskellEmacs.hs and if yes, does it contain the string "Matrix" somewhere? Have you got a standard emacs at hand and could check whether it works with this one? Could you try to manually install the dependencies via cabal?

Greets and thanks for your debugging!

knupfer commented 8 years ago

I've installed spacemacs and it works on my side flawlessly, with the dotspacemacs-additional-packages variable and with the traditional (package-list-packages). I've got


ngksternhagen commented 8 years ago

So the moral of the story (as with many other Haskell stories it seems) is that ubuntu's haskell-platform package really is not your friend. I will also install the versions listed above and verify the fix.

To provide the other requested information (for posterity):