knupfer / haskell-emacs

Write Emacs extensions in Haskell
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+BEGIN_SRC haskell

-- /home/foo/.emacs.d/haskell-fun/Matrix.hs module Matrix where

import qualified Data.List as L

-- | Takes a matrix (a list of lists of ints) and returns its transposition. transpose :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]] transpose = L.transpose

-- | Returns an identity matrix of size n. identity :: Int -> [[Int]] identity n | n > 1 = L.nub $ L.permutations $ 1 : replicate (n-1) 0 | otherwise = [[1]]

-- | Check whether a given matrix is a identity matrix. isIdentity :: [[Int]] -> Bool isIdentity xs = xs == identity (length xs)

-- | Compute the dyadic product of two vectors. dyadic :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [[Int]] dyadic xs ys = map (\x -> map (x*) ys) xs


Now you're set to toy around with your new elisp functions:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(Matrix.identity 3) => ((1 0 0) (0 1 0) (0 0 1))

(Matrix.transpose '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) => ((1 3 5) (2 4 6))

(Matrix.isIdentity '((1 0) (0 1))) => t

(Matrix.dyadic '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) => ((4 5 6) (8 10 12) (12 15 18))


Now consider some bad input:

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(Matrix.identity "a") => Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "when expecting a Integral, encountered string instead")

(Matrix.transpose [(1 2) [3 4]]) => ((1 3) (2 4))

(Matrix.dyadic '+) => Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "when expecting a pair, encountered symbol instead")


You see that type errors result in emacs errors with good descriptions therein. It is an error to pass a value to a Haskell function for which =haskell-emacs= cannot marshal to the correct type. Please keep in mind that Emacs Lisp Arrays will be translated (recursively) to Haskell lists and Emacs Lisp lists will be marshaled to either Haskell lists or Haskell tuples.

Note that if you modify =Matrix.hs= or add new files you have to rerun =haskell-emacs-init=. If you remove a function from a module or an entire module, the lisp function will still be bound untill the next restart of emacs but produce undefined behaviour.

Unless you use haskell functions on megabytes of text or in very tight loops (which wouldn't be wise, transfer the whole task to haskell) the overhead is irrelevant.

Additionally, if you watch closely, Haskell functions will recursively fuse with any of its arguments which are Haskell functions so you can define Haskell functions that are quite modular and combine them on the lisp side and pay the overhead cost only once.

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(Matrix.transpose (Matrix.transpose '((1 2) (3 4)))) => ((1 2) (3 4))

(Matrix.transpose (identity (Matrix.transpose '((1 2) (3 4))))) => ((1 2) (3 4))

(let ((result (Matrix.transpose-async (Matrix.transpose '((1 2) (3 4))))))

;; other stuff

(eval result))
 => ((1 2) (3 4))


In example above, the first and the third call are twice as fast as the second. In the second case, the identity function does nothing but prevent fusion of the Haskell functions. The result is the same, but the intermediate result must be sent over pipes back to emacs and from emacs back to Haskell. Obviously, fusing synchronous functions gives (huge) performance benefit, where the overhead is the performance bottleneck.

The third case is an async function (which can fuse as well) which returns a future without blocking Emacs. Evaluating the future will return the result of the computation, or block and wait if it isn't already present. The ability to fuse is quite powerful, especially for async functions: You can glue together for example 4 costly computations which will execute all on the Haskell side without the need to manually block for intermediate results.

Considering big intermediate results (lets say an entire buffer), it's possible that fused functions are orders of magnitude faster by omitting the performance costs per char.

Every branch of a fused function will be evaluated in parallel on multiple cores, so if you call a function asynchronously which takes as arguments three Haskell functions, your call will be evaluated on up to three cores in parallel and without blocking Emacs.

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

; C-h f Matrix.transpose Matrix.transpose is a Lisp macro in `Matrix.hs'.

(Matrix.transpose X1)

transpose :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]

Takes a matrix (a list of lists of ints) and returns its transposition.


Unfortunately, Emacs doesn't like dots in function names in the help buffer.

Thats all. If you've got ghc and cabal, the rest will be installed automatically if you choose so during the setup dialog.

+BEGIN_SRC haskell

data Emacs a eval :: [Lisp] -> Emacs a eval_ :: [Lisp] -> Emacs ()

data Lisp = Symbol Text | String Text | Number Number | List [Lisp] | DotList [Lisp] Lisp

data Buffer = Buffer {text :: Text, point :: Int} getBuffer :: Emacs Buffer putBuffer :: Buffer -> Emacs () modifyBuffer :: (Buffer -> Buffer) -> Emacs ()


If a function returns a =Lisp= it will be evaluated by emacs. A function which takes a =Lisp= can perform arbitrary transformations on a =Lisp=. A function which returns the monad =Emacs a= will engage a dialog with emacs. If you call such a function asynchronously, it'll interleave the dialog with emacs, but return a future which holds the result of the function. Note that when using =eval= you have to ensure that the type of the result is inferable, if you perform something only for it's effects use =eval_= instead.

In many cases it is the most efficient and elegant solution to write a function which transforms a buffer and apply it with =modifyBuffer= to emacs. In this scenario, you'll pay only two times the communication costs and make all the calculations with pure and efficient haskell functions. This function respects narrowed buffers, if you want to work with the whole buffer, you have to widen it. It is not recommended to call effectful functions like =modifyBuffer= asynchronously because it could write the buffer content into another buffer if you change it while haskell is calculating.

Note that =Emacs a= is an instance of =MonadIO=, so if you've got dire need you can perform arbitrary IO with =liftIO= which will be performed sequentially in the =Emacs a=.

+BEGIN_SRC haskell

-- /home/foo/.emacs.d/haskell-fun/Test.hs {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Test where

import Control.Monad import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Text as T import Foreign.Emacs

forwardChar :: Int -> Lisp forwardChar n = List [Symbol "forward-char", Number $ fromIntegral n]

lispType :: Lisp -> String lispType (Number ) = "Number" lispType (String ) = "String" lispType (Symbol ) = "Symbol" lispType = "List"

genericTranspose :: [[Lisp]] -> [[Lisp]] genericTranspose = L.transpose

-- This is fine: it will call forward-line, return the result (which -- is an Int) to haskell which will discard the result and return to -- emacs nil. example1 :: Emacs () example1 = eval_ [Symbol "forward-line"]

-- This is fine: it will call forward-line, return the result (which -- is an Int) to haskell which will return to emacs the resulting Int. example2 :: Emacs Int example2 = eval [Symbol "forward-line"]

-- This is fine: it will go n lines forward and bounce if it reaches -- the end of the buffer. example3 :: Int -> Emacs () example3 n = do x <- eval [Symbol "forward-line", Number $ fromIntegral n] eval_ [Symbol "forward-line", Number $ negate x]

-- This is fine: it is nearly the same as example3, if called -- asynchronously, the returned lisp will be executed only when the -- future is asked for. example4 :: Int -> Emacs Lisp example4 n = do x <- eval [Symbol "forward-line", Number $ fromIntegral n] return $ List [Symbol "forward-line", Number $ negate x]

-- This is fine: a mutual recursion between haskell and emacs. example5 :: Int -> Emacs () example5 n = do eval_ [Symbol "insert", String . T.pack $ show n] when (n > 0) $ example5 (n-1)

-- This is fine: nearly the same but ugly. example6 :: Int -> Emacs Lisp example6 n = do eval_ [Symbol "insert", String . T.pack $ show n] return $ if n > 0 then List [Symbol "Test.example6", Number $ fromIntegral (n-1)] else List []

-- This is bad: at the moment, emacs monads aren't allowed to -- interleave, this will result in a dead lock example7 :: Int -> Emacs () example7 n = do eval [Symbol "insert", String . T.pack $ show n] eval $ if n > 0 then [Symbol "Test.example7", Number $ fromIntegral (n-1)] else []

-- This is bad: it will call forward-line, return the result (which is -- an Int) to haskell which will try parse the Int as a () resulting -- in a runtime error. example8 :: Emacs () example8 = eval [Symbol "forward-line"]

-- This is bad: ghc can't infer the type of the first eval and will -- refuse to compile. -- example9 :: Emacs () -- example9 = do eval [Symbol "forward-line"] -- eval_ [Symbol "forward-line"]


You can write type safe elisp if you compose small functions in the emacs monad with type signatures. You can try the following code which asks for every non empty line in your buffer if you want to comment it.

+BEGIN_SRC haskell

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Comment ( commentLines1 , commentLines2 , uncomment ) where

import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Foreign.Emacs

data MajorMode = Haskell | EmacsLisp | Unknown deriving (Eq, Show)

majorMode :: Emacs MajorMode majorMode = do Symbol x <- getVar "major-mode" return . toMajorMode $ x

toPrefix :: MajorMode -> Text toPrefix Haskell = "-- " toPrefix EmacsLisp = "; " toPrefix Unknown = "# "

toMajorMode :: Text -> MajorMode toMajorMode s = case s of "haskell-mode" -> Haskell "emacs-lisp-mode" -> EmacsLisp _ -> Unknown

yOrNP :: Text -> Emacs Bool yOrNP s = eval [Symbol "y-or-n-p", String s]

insert :: Text -> Emacs () insert s = eval_ [Symbol "insert", String s]

getVar :: Text -> Emacs Lisp getVar s = eval [Symbol "identity", Symbol s]

uncomment :: Emacs () uncomment = toPrefix <$> majorMode >>= modifyBuffer . strip

strip :: Text -> Buffer -> Buffer strip p b = Buffer ( T.unlines . map (fromMaybe <*> T.stripPrefix p) . T.lines $ text b ) 1

-- implementation1

gotoChar :: Int -> Emacs () gotoChar n = eval_ [Symbol "goto-char", Number $ fromIntegral n]

forwardLine :: Int -> Emacs Int forwardLine n = eval [Symbol "forward-line", Number $ fromIntegral n]

lookingAt :: Text -> Emacs Bool lookingAt s = eval [Symbol "looking-at", String s]

commentLines1 :: Emacs () commentLines1 = do prefix <- toPrefix <$> majorMode let loop = do hasChr <- not <$> lookingAt "^ *$" when hasChr $ do ask <- yOrNP "Comment line?" when ask $ insert prefix notEof <- (/=1) <$> forwardLine 1 when notEof loop gotoChar 0 loop

-- implementation2

gotoLine :: Int -> Emacs () gotoLine n = eval_ [Symbol "goto-line", Number $ fromIntegral n]

notEmpty :: Text -> [Int] notEmpty str = [n | (l,n) <- zip (T.lines str) [1..], not $ T.all isSpace l]

commentLines2 :: Emacs () commentLines2 = do prefix <- toPrefix <$> majorMode ls <- (notEmpty . text) <$> getBuffer mapM_ (\x -> do gotoLine x ask <- yOrNP "Comment line?" when ask $ insert prefix) ls


=uncomment= strips one layer of comment prefixes from the buffer and puts point to the beginning of the buffer. Note that the function =strip= is entirely pure.

The implementation1 is more or less in an imperative style while the implementation2 is a lot more functional. Needless to say you should prefer the second one. If you check this file with liquid-haskell, it will complain about the first implementation because it isn't provable that it will terminate. Additionally, the second implementation communicates less times with emacs resulting in a better performance (transfering one time the entire buffer is cheap). Assuming that one answers always with no, =commentLines1= communicates with emacs:

=commentLines2= communicates with emacs:

Let's compare the performance using this readme.

+BEGIN_SRC elisp

(require 'cl)

(flet ((y-or-n-p (x) nil)) (let ((result (mapcar (lambda (x) (car (benchmark-run 100 (eval (list x))))) '(Comment.commentLines1 Comment.commentLines2)))) (mapcar (lambda (x) (/ x (apply 'min result))) result)))


The first implementation takes 50% more time, even though the second has to transfer the whole buffer.

Note that in such a trivial case a function written in elisp would be faster (albeit a lot unsafer). A sophisticated function could take the buffer-string, parMap it and replace the old buffer-string.

Higher-order functions aren't supported at all, you can't pass functions as arguments to Haskell functions in emacs.