koalalu007 / ShoppingCartApp-

shopping cart app
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Shopping cart project assignment solution

You can find database mock-up under src/db folder.

There are 3 pages in total: home, category (dynamic), checkout. You can find them under src/pages.

How to apply filters?

Manage state with hooks

Filters state is managed with useReducer in a custom hook. You can find the custom hook in src/lib/useFilters.js.

Filters state is an object in form of:

const filters = {
  filterName: value,

// Example
const filters = {
  delivery: true,
  expensive: false,
  maxPrice: 100,

In the implementation there is a createFilterReducer function. It is a higher-order function (a function that returns a function). The reason using it is to pass initialState to the reducer function. This will allow the reducer function to access initial state and create actions like RESET.

Bind state to inputs

There are only simple checkbox filters. Please find a reusable component in src/components/FilterCheckbox.js

The useFilters hook is used inside src/pages/Category.js. The state is then passed to FilterCheckbox component.

To actually apply filters to some elements you need a computed value (products + filters = computed value). Inside Category.js, getComputedProducts is responsible for producing computed value. It's very simple: it takes products and filters states, combines them, then produces the result. When displaying items, you must render the computed value.

How to implement shopping cart?

Shopping cart state is managed with useReducer in a context provider component src/lib/cart.context.js.

Cart context is provided to all components in the app (global state). Look inside src/App.js

For shopping cart you can define 3 main actions:

All of the above actions are defined inside the reducer function in cart.context.js.

Shopping cart state is an array that has the following shape:

const shoppingCart = [
    id: 'productId',
    price: productPrice,

// Example
const shoppingCart = [
    id: '2521fada',
    price: 140,
    id: 'dwf326a',
    price: 95,

Separation of concerns

Shopping cart is split into two context providers: one for state, second for dispatch. Passing both in one context does not work good with Context API. There are components that don't need access to the state yet must update the state (src/components/Products.js).

Cart total

Cart total and number of items are both computed values (derived from shopping cart state). Take a look at src/components/Navbar.js. Simply transform the state using JavaScript array methods such as Array.reduce or Array.filter.

Persist the state

To persist shopping cart, you can use either local storage or session storage. To sync state with local/session storage, please utilize useEffect. useEffect callback (the effect) writes to local/session storage every time state changes.

Checkout page

On the checkout page, shopping cart state must be displayed and managed. Actions are already defined in the reducer function.

How to display added items? In shopping cart state, only product id and price are stored. In order to show added products on the page, items must be derived from the state and products. Please find getComputedCheckoutItems inside src/pages/Checkout.js.

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