koalamer / vsc-workspace-in-status-bar

Extension for VSCode that displays the workspace name in the status bar
MIT License
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workspace-in-status-bar README

A simple extension that displays the workspace name in the status bar.

The problem it tries to solve is that in full screen mode the workspace name does not have a constant place on the UI. Only the Explorer panel displays the workspace name, and that panel is not constantly visible.


Settings are available to customize label placement and appearance.

When you click the label, the explorer view is opened with collapsed folders.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

To have a custom piece of text in the status bar, use:

To set the color of the label, use:

in your color customization settings.

In the settings JSON you can set this color globally but you can also target a specific theme by putting it into a correctly named entry like this:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "[Monokai]": {
      "workspaceInStatusBar.text": "#7cd5f1"`