koaning / clumper

A small python library that can clump lists of data together.
MIT License
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A small python library that can clump lists of nested data together.

Part of a video series on calmcode.io.

Base Example

Clumper allows you to quickly parse through a list of json-like data.

Here's an example of such a dataset.

pokemon = [
    {'name': 'Bulbasaur', 'type': ['Grass', 'Poison'], 'hp': 45, 'attack': 49},
    {'name': 'Charmander', 'type': ['Fire'], 'hp': 39, 'attack': 52},

Given this list of dictionaries we can write the following query;

from clumper import Clumper

clump = Clumper.read_json('https://calmcode.io/datasets/pokemon.json')

  .keep(lambda d: len(d['type']) == 1)
  .mutate(type=lambda d: d['type'][0],
          ratio=lambda d: d['attack']/d['hp'])
  .select('name', 'type', 'ratio')
  .sort(lambda d: d['ratio'], reverse=True)
What this code does line-by-line. This code will perform the following steps. 0. It imports `Clumper`. 1. It fetches a list of json-blobs about pokemon from the internet. 2. It removes all the pokemon that have more than 1 type. 3. The dictionaries that are left will have their `type` now as a string instead of a list of strings. 4. The dictionaries that are left will also have a property called `ratio` which calculates the ratio between `hp` and `attack`. 5. All the keys besides `name`, `type` and `ratio` are removed. 6. The collection is sorted by `ratio`, from high to low. 7. We grab the top 5 after sorting. 8. The results are returned as a list of dictionaries.

This is what we get back:

[{'name': 'Diglett', 'type': 'Ground', 'ratio': 5.5},
 {'name': 'DeoxysAttack Forme', 'type': 'Psychic', 'ratio': 3.6},
 {'name': 'Krabby', 'type': 'Water', 'ratio': 3.5},
 {'name': 'DeoxysNormal Forme', 'type': 'Psychic', 'ratio': 3.0},
 {'name': 'BanetteMega Banette', 'type': 'Ghost', 'ratio': 2.578125}]


We've got a lovely documentation page that explains how the library works.



You can install this package via pip.

pip install clumper

It may be safer however to install via;

python -m pip install clumper

For details on why, check out this resource.

There are some optional dependencies that you might want to install as well.

python -m pip install clumper[yaml]


Make sure you check out the issue list beforehand in order to prevent double work before you make a pull request. To get started locally, you can clone the repo and quickly get started using the Makefile.

git clone git@github.com:koaning/clumper.git
cd clumper
make install-dev