kodadot / click

Indexer for EVM based Polkadot parachains
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link
evm evm-blockchain graphql hacktoberfest polkadot polkadot-network subsquid


Support of Moonsama-based NFTs in the KodaDot

How does it work

We basically index three types of events:

// Snippet that shows how to handle events
processor.addEvmLogHandler(Contracts.Moonsama, transferFilter, mappings.mainFrame);
processor.addEvmLogHandler(Contracts.Moonx, singleTransferFilter, mappings.singleMainFrame);
processor.addEvmLogHandler(Contracts.Moonx, multiTransferFilter, mappings.mutliMainFrame);

What's the Contracts.Moonsama ? That's an excellent question. In the processable.ts, we have an enum that defines the contract addresses.

enum Contracts {
  Moonsama = '0xb654611f84a8dc429ba3cb4fda9fad236c505a1a', // ERC-721
  Moonx = '0x1974eeaf317ecf792ff307f25a3521c35eecde86', // ERC-1155

What are the transferFilter and singleTransferFilter ?

We simply tell the indexer that we want to listen to this specific event (topic) from the particular contract. As shown in the snippet below, we have a filter that listens to the Transfer event.

export const transferFilter: EvmLogHandlerOptions = {
  filter: [erc721.events["Transfer(address,address,uint256)"].topic],

The last parameter of the addEvmLogHandler is a function that will be called when the event is emitted. The algorithm is as follows:

export async function mainFrame(ctx: Context): Promise<void> {
  const transfer = decode721Transfer(ctx) // decode the event to [from, to, tokenId]

    switch (whatIsThisTransfer(transfer)) { // check what kind of transfer it is (mint, transfer, send)
    case Interaction.MINTNFT:
      transferDebug(Interaction.MINTNFT, transfer)
      await handleTokenCreate(ctx)
    case Interaction.SEND:
      transferDebug(Interaction.SEND, transfer)
      await handleTokenTransfer(ctx)
    case Interaction.CONSUME:
      transferDebug(Interaction.CONSUME, transfer)
      await handleTokenBurn(ctx)
      logger.warn(`Unknown transfer: ${JSON.stringify(transfer, null, 2)}`)

For example, we have a function that handles the Transfer event.

export async function handleTokenTransfer(context: Context): Promise<void> {
  const event = unwrap(context, getTransferTokenEvent)
  const id = createTokenId(event.collectionId, event.sn)
  const entity = ensure<NE>(await get(context.store, NE, id))
  plsBe(real, entity)

  entity.currentOwner = event.to

  await context.store.save(entity)
  await createEvent(entity, Interaction.SEND, event, event.to || '', context.store, currentOwner)

Fast Forward

just up
just codegen
just build
just reset
just explore

Start processor

just process

Run GraphQL queries

just serve



# 1. Install dependencies
npm ci

# 2. Compile typescript files
npm run build

# 3. Start target Postgres database
docker compose up -d

# 4. Apply database migrations from db/migrations
npx sqd db create
npx sqd db migrate

# 5. Now start the processor
node -r dotenv/config lib/processor.js

# 6. The above command will block the terminal
#    being busy with fetching the chain data, 
#    transforming and storing it in the target database.
#    To start the graphql server open the separate terminal
#    and run
npx squid-graphql-server

Import ABI contract and set up interfaces to decode events

In order to be able to process EVM logs, it is necessary to import the respective ABI definition. In the case of this project, this has been done via the src/abis/ERC721.json file.

Furthermore, it is necessary to decode logs and this is shown in src/abis/erc721.ts. The events dictionary define there maps the event name at the center of this project to the function used to decode it.

Project structure

Hydra tools expect a certain directory layout:

Viki's Randomnotes

  1. Squid EVM typegen
npx squid-evm-typegen --abi ./src/abi/ERC1155.json --output ./src/abi/erc1155.ts