kodadot / stick

GraphQL service for Uniques and Assets on Asset Hubs
MIT License
4 stars 10 forks source link
assethub hacktoberfest kodadot kusama nft polkadot polkadot-assethub subsquid


Squid based data used to index, process, and query on top of AssetHub for KodaDot NFT Marketplace.

Hosted Squids

Project structure


Quickly running the sample

# 1. Install dependencies
npm ci

# 2. Build project
just build

# 3. Start target Postgres database container
just upd

# 4. Update database with data objects
just migrate

# 5. Start the processor
just process

# 6. Open a separate terminal and launch the graphql server to query the processed data
just serve

# 7. Visit localhost:4350/graphql to see the result

Dev flow

1. Define database schema

Start development by defining the schema of the target database via schema.graphql. Schema definition consists of regular graphql type declarations annotated with custom directives. A full description of schema.graphql dialect is available here.

2. Generate TypeORM classes

Mapping developers use TypeORM entities to interact with the target database during data processing. The squid framework generates All necessary entity classes from schema.graphql. This is done by running just codegen command.

3. Generate database migration

All database changes are applied through migration files located at db/migrations. squid-typeorm-migration tool provides several commands to drive the process. It is all TypeORM under the hood.

# Connect to the database, analyze its state, and generate a migration to match the target schema.
# Launch Docker instance of the database
just upd

# The target schema is derived from entity classes generated earlier.
# Remember to compile your entity classes beforehand!
just update-db

# Apply database migrations from `db/migrations`
just migrate

# Revert the last performed migration
just revert-db

Available sqd shortcuts:

# Build the project, remove any old migrations, then run `npx squid-typeorm-migration generate`
sqd migration:generate

# Run npx squid-typeorm-migration apply
sqd migration:apply


Unit test early, unit test often

[!NOTE] Any code imported from @kodadot packages has unit test written in the separated repository

This indexer contains unit tests for utility/parsing functions we wrote.

Tests are located in the tests/ directory. To run the tests, use:

npm run test

[!WARNING] Currently, it is impossible to unit test the whole indexer workflow as a dry run. If you encounter some problem, please head over to the telegram group HydraDevs


The architecture of this project is following:


  1. fast generate event handlers
pbpaste | cut -d '=' -f 1 | tr -d ' '  | xargs -I_ echo "processor.addEventHandler(Event._, dummy);"
  1. enable debug logs (in .env)
  1. generate metagetters from getters
pbpaste | grep 'export'  | xargs -I_ echo "_  return proc.  }"
  1. Enable different chain (currently only Kusama and Polkadot are supported)

[!NOTE] By default the chain is set to kusama

CHAIN=polkadot # or kusama
  1. enable offers

Offers support is a hack on top of the Atomic Swap to enable Offers set in .env file

  1. debugging the processor

As the processor can run for a longer period of time it is useful to turn off the "features" that you do not need, Handlers that need to be always enabled are createCollection and createItem as they are the base for the rest of the processor.

[!NOTE] If you do not wish to index uniques pallet you can turn it off by setting UNIQUES_ENABLED=false in .env file

Note on Swaps

  1. Swaps can be overwritten at any time

Therefore if you have a swap, and will create a new one, the old one will be overwritten. This is mentioned in createSwap.ts Line 31.

  1. Swaps are autocancelled by few conditions

in any other condition the swap will have to be cancelled manually.


Project was funded as a common good by
