kodadot / uniquery

Client-based SDK for Polkadot NFTs
MIT License
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base-evm graphql kodadot nft polkadot


Universal GraphQL query builder for KodaDot

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GraphQL builder for KodaDot API



Add Uniquery to your project

# with npm
npm install @kodadot1/uniquery

# with yarn
yarn add @kodadot1/uniquery

# with pnpm
pnpm install @kodadot1/uniquery


// ESM
import { getClient } from '@kodadot1/uniquery'

// CommonJS
const  { getClient } = require('@kodadot1/uniquery')
const client = getClient()
const query = client.collectionListByIssuer('vikiival')

  query: 'query  { collections: collectionEntities(filter: { issuer: { equalTo: vikiival } })  { nodes { id, metadata, currentOwner, issuer } } }',
  variables: {}

✨ Rationale

As we were onboarding developers for our NFT Gallery, most of the developers have seen GraphQL for the first. We wanted to make it easier for them to get started with KodaDot API. Uniquery is a simple tool to help you build GraphQL queries for KodaDot API.

Without Uniquery you would have to write something like this:

query itemListByCollectionIdList {
  nft: nftEntities(where: {collection: { id_eq: "2305670031" }}) {

With Uniquery you can write this:

const id = '2305670031'
const client = getClient()
const query = client.itemListByCollectionId(id)

To be aware every client function returns GraphQuery object

This GraphQuery object represents a GraphQL query that should be passed to your preffered fetch library (fetch, axios, ohmyfetch)

Note: Uniquery is not a GraphQL client. It's a tool to help you build GraphQL queries It's possible to use it with any GraphQL client (such as Apollo)

We have currently two implementations

import { getClient } from '@kodadot1/uniquery'

const client = getClient('bsx')
const id = '2305670031'
const query = client.collectionById(id)
const result = await client.fetch(query)

⚠️: If you want to use .fetch method on client, you need to pass chain prefix as parameter

import { ask } from '@kodadot1/uniquery'
const id = '2305670031'
const result = await ask(`/bsx/itemByCollection/${id}`)

⚓️ Exported functions

✔️ Uniquery

From REST:

✔️ Uniquery.client


⚠️ Caveats

REST implementation supports only functions that requires exactly one parameter. Please open a pull-request if you know how to fix this

✔️ Missing functions

Development 💻

- Navigate to the packages directory
cd uniquery
corepack enable


npm i -g corepack
pnpm dev


Made with 💛

Published under MIT License.