koheiw / newspapers

R package to import articles from newspaper databases
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r text-analysis


Import files downloaded from various newspaper databases

Supported databases and formats

Database File type Function
Asahi Shimbun Kikuzo .html import_kikuzo()
Yomiuri Shimbun Yomidasu .html import_yomidasu()
Dow Jones Faciva .html import_factiva()
Nexis UK .html import_nexis()
Lexis Advance .docx import_lexis()
Integrum .doc .xlsx .html import_integrum()

Install the package


Load files

require(newspapers, quietly = TRUE)
dat <- import_nexis("tests/data/nexis/guardian_1986-01-01_0001.html")
## Reading tests/data/nexis/guardian_1986-01-01_0001.html
pub edition date byline length section head
The Guardian (London) January 31, 1986 By JEREMY LEGGET 1269 Eavesdroppers who heard the guilty secrets / Covert nuclear tests by the US and Britain detected
The Guardian (London) January 31, 1986 By VICTORIA BRITTAIN 663 Third World Column: Uganda tries again / National Resistance Movement takes power
The Guardian (London) January 31, 1986 By RICHARD LAPPER 1007 Third World Review: A bad bisnes in Managua / Nicaragua’s black economy
The Guardian (London) January 31, 1986 60 Financial News in Brief / British Government support for ICI Alcan tax case in California
The Guardian (London) January 31, 1986 By MICHAEL SIMMONS 401 Minister predicts downturn in Singaporean economy
The Guardian (London) January 31, 1986 From MARK TRAN 350 Aid appeal get cool reception / US Administration’s proposals to increase the foreign aid budget flounder

Parse date

The functions return datelines as character, so users should parse them using stri_datetime_parse() with appropriate locale and time-zone settings.

dat_en <- import_nexis("tests/data/nexis/guardian_1986-01-01_0001.html")
## Reading tests/data/nexis/guardian_1986-01-01_0001.html
dat_en$date2 <- as.Date(stri_datetime_parse(dat_en$date, "MM, dd, uuuu", tz = "GMT"))
head(dat_en[c("date", "date2")])
##               date      date2
## 1 January 31, 1986 1986-01-31
## 2 January 31, 1986 1986-01-31
## 3 January 31, 1986 1986-01-31
## 4 January 31, 1986 1986-01-31
## 5 January 31, 1986 1986-01-31
## 6 January 31, 1986 1986-01-31

dat_de <- import_nexis('tests/data/nexis/spiegel_2012-02-01_0001.html')
## Reading tests/data/nexis/spiegel_2012-02-01_0001.html
dat_de$date2 <- as.Date(stri_datetime_parse(dat_de$date, "dd. MM uuuu", tz = "CET", 
                                            locale = "de_DE"))
head(dat_de[c("date", "date2")])
##                                         date      date2
## 1      27. Februar 2012 Montag 9:50 PM GMT+1 2012-02-27
## 2                           27. Februar 2012 2012-02-27
## 3     25. Februar 2012 Samstag 2:01 PM GMT+1 2012-02-25
## 4     24. Februar 2012 Freitag 9:47 AM GMT+1 2012-02-24
## 5  23. Februar 2012 Donnerstag 6:34 PM GMT+1 2012-02-23
## 6 23. Februar 2012 Donnerstag 11:49 AM GMT+1 2012-02-23

Download files

Asahi Shimbun Kikuzo

In the Kikuzo database, you can display up to 100 full-texts news articles in your browser. However, you cannot download the articles as an HTML file in a format this package can read, becasue news articles are in frames. To save the articles, you should use Firefox’s context menu “Save Frame As” (or other browsers’ equivalent) to save pages in a frame.

Dow Jones Faciva

The Factiva database offers a button to display full-texts in a pop-up window: check all boxes, click “Format for Saving” (Floppy Disk icon) and select “Article Format”. You only need to save the HTML file in the pop-up window by “Save Page” (or press Ctrl + S).