Team PHP: Hilarious Programmers
Project Description
Have you ever been out with a group of friends, and nobody can confidently decide a place to eat for everyone? Introducing a crowdsourced (friendsourced) restaurant finder: Put a group of friends in a lobby together and have them vote on restaurants within the vicinity. Based on the votes, a restaurant will be selected, and now everyone can finally eat!
Who is it for?: Friends who want to go out to eat but do not know where.
What will it do?: Display restaurants based on proximity to the users and collect their preferences for said restaurants.
What type of data will it store?:
- Account system for logging in
- For each account will save some statistics (logins, restaurants voted yes/no, blacklisted restaurants)
- For each group/lobby will save some statistics (previously visited restaurants)
What will users be able to do with this data?:
- Log into the app
- Invite other users to a restaurant group and start a voting session
- View their individual and group statistics
What is some additional functionality you can add/remove based on time constraints?:
- Group and individual statistics seem to be the easiest to remove as it doesn't impact the MVP much.
Project Task Requirements
Minimal Requirements:
- Basic front end design of lobby and restaurant display
- Data storage of user accounts
- Decision making algorithm which returns a recommendation based on user preferences
- Using Google Maps Restaurant API to display nearby restaurants
Standard Requirements:
- Data storage of lobbies and user preferences
- Matching preferences with restaurant types to provide recommendations
- Features based on user preferences, e.g. blacklist restaurants, always display certain restaurants
- Allow users to log their experience/review and track it in a lobby
- Develop the front end more to make the page look seamless and visually appealing
Stretch Requirements:
- Personalized chart representing a user's restaurant type preferences based on their swipe history
- Create different types of decision-making algorithms that the user can choose between, e.g. randomized
- Cookie system that allows anyone to form/join a temporary lobby without having to make an account
Detailed Task Breakdown
Front End Task Breakdown
Important HTML pages:
Lobby Pages
- Create/Settings page
- Results page
Individual User Pages:
- Individual selectors
- Enter lobby page
- Account info pages
- Restaurant info pages
General page styling
- One css file to keep design consistent across pages
- Styling file for each page for page-specific elements
- May be combined with the general page css with unique ids? May create unnecessarily complex DOM
Javascript file - functions as necesary
Backend Task Breakdown
Google Maps API
- Establish link with Google Maps API
- config files
- Google API key
- Find all restaurants in specified radius from input location
- Get all data related to restaurants
- Storing restaurant as object for future reference, i.e. restaurant preferences
- Filter restaurants by user parameters, i.e. type of food, cost