kohlglenn / CPSC455

A repo for our CPSC455 project
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Team PHP: Hilarious Programmers

Project Description

Have you ever been out with a group of friends, and nobody can confidently decide a place to eat for everyone? Introducing a crowdsourced (friendsourced) restaurant finder: Put a group of friends in a lobby together and have them vote on restaurants within the vicinity. Based on the votes, a restaurant will be selected, and now everyone can finally eat!

Who is it for?: Friends who want to go out to eat but do not know where.

What will it do?: Display restaurants based on proximity to the users and collect their preferences for said restaurants.

What type of data will it store?:

What will users be able to do with this data?:

What is some additional functionality you can add/remove based on time constraints?:

Project Task Requirements

Minimal Requirements:

Standard Requirements:

Stretch Requirements:

Detailed Task Breakdown

Front End Task Breakdown

Important HTML pages:
Lobby Pages
General page styling
Javascript file - functions as necesary

Backend Task Breakdown

Google Maps API

