Memfinity is a modern webapp and API to provide a social, spaced repetition system. You can easily create flash cards and practice them utilizing a spaced repetition algorithm. You can make your flash cards public or private. You can follow other users or search for topics of interest to discover new cards of interest. If you see a card you like, you can "take" (make a copy of) that card for yourself.
A current, partial list of features:
The site is developed on Google App Engine with the Python SDK. The frontend is written is React. Some desired features are listed as open issues, and pull requests are welcome!
# First, install Google App Engine SDK for Python. Clone the repo, and run:
make deps
make serve
/ => Signup/Splash page
/[user] => Specific [user] card list/stream
/ => Signed-in-user's card list/stream
/feed => Signed-in-user's friends' chronological card-added feed
/[user] => Specific [user] card list/stream