# with npm
npm install -g @koinos/sdk-as-cli
# with yarn
yarn global add @koinos/sdk-as-cli
# will create "mycontract" in the current working folder
koinos-sdk-as-cli create mycontract
folder of your project. (i.e.: assembly/Calculator.ts
files live in the assembly/proto/
folder of your project. (i.e.: assembly/proto/calculator.proto
)koinos-sdk-as-cli help
# example for building a calculator contract
# build the debug version
koinos-sdk-as-cli build-all debug calculator.proto
# build the release version
koinos-sdk-as-cli build-all release calculator.proto
This will result in the generation of:
file in the folder abi/
file in the folder abi/
file in the folder build/release
and build/debug
file in the folder assembly/
file in the folder assembly/
# example for a calculator contract
koinos-sdk-as-cli generate-abi calculator.proto
This will generate a calculator.abi file in the folder abi/
# example for a calculator contract
koinos-sdk-as-cli generate-contract-as calculator.proto
This will generate a Calculator.boilerplate.ts
file and index.ts
file in the folder assembly/
koinos-sdk-as-cli generate-contract-proto
# example for a calculator contract
koinos-sdk-as-cli generate-as-proto calculator/assembly/proto/calculator.proto
koinos-sdk-as-cli run-tests