kokizzu / muggles

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Quickstart (for typical 2-uplinks, serving 1 LAN case) The setup

Assuming you have 3 ethernet cards on your gateway box.

* eth0 faces your lan, and is by default.
* eth1 is your uplink1, and is by default.
* eth2 is your uplink2, and is by default. 


* alan is one machine on the lan by default
* blan is another machine on the lan by default 

In pictures:

 T H E   I N T E R N E T  
      |         |
    uplink1  uplink2
      |        |
     | gatewaybox |
   |            |        |
 alan         blan

The install

The 8-fold path to a higher uplink state...

  1. Install lenny with a minimal bunch of packages (no x needed).

    • With the debian-503-i386-netinst.iso, when it detects the network interfaces chose any one as the primary, but keep the interfaces physically disconnected. Let it try to dhcp and fail, then choose "do not configure network at this time". Kind of silly, but keeps it simple.

    • When it prompts you for package selection near the end of the installation, you can drop the selection "standard" so that it is truly a minimal installation.

  2. Unpack the tgz file in, say /root/muggles_source.

  3. To install, run ./installscript.

  4. Enter the static ip addresses for the lan, uplinks, and gateways at the prompts.

  5. Change/add mac addresses of the lan machines to /etc/ethers (Replace alan, blan etc.)

  6. Connect up alan (or rather, its replacement). You already entered the mac address for this machine in the previous step. If you have a normal modern OS, then the machine will simply auto-configure and get its network; dns and time settings from the muggles box.

  7. Then point your browser to (or whatever you've changed the muggles box ip address to in step 4)

  8. admire the pre-millennial web interface

You should have now have a basic muggles with web gui front end. It does web and dns caching; time serving; checks for lenny updates; informs you of monthly use per uplink; lets you know what machines are alive on the lan; and checks and lets you change your uplinks from the web gui.

If you're unlucky or your setup is less simple, well, here are the details so you can fix things to taste:

Not-so-Quickstart (for if you want to dig in) The Details
