Configure a project
Steps to run app on HoloLens 2:
- Clone the repository
- Checkout to alpha branch. This branch uses a Barracuda library, which will be replaced with Sentis.
- Open Unity Hub, then Open->Add project from disk and open a MachineLearningPlayground directory inside this repository.
- There should a MRTK Project Configurator window appear. Select Unity OpenXR plugin (recommended) option, the project will configure.
- The Settings window will appear. You can close it, same to a MRTK Project Configurator window.
- In a Unity Editor topbar select File->Build Settings... . In a Platform select a Universal Windows Platform, on the right change architecture to ARM 64 and click on Switch platform button on the bottom. Wait for a project to reconfigure.
- In a Unity Editor in a Project Explorer view (bottom) select the Assets, and then Scenes directory. Open SampleScene.unity file. The scene will load.
- From a Hierarchy panel select MixedRealityPlayspace->Main Camera object. In a bottom of Inspector panel (right side of editor) there is a Detection script. The model property is missing, since you have to provide a model by yourself. Follow the next steps to prepare a YOLOv8 model.
Prepare YOLOv8 model
Install the ultralytics repo according to manual in: https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics . Then, export a weights of YOLOv8 Nano model to .onnx format with opset level of 9. In the following example we use an image input size of 160 by 160 pixels.
Export script:
yolo export model=yolov8n.pt format=onnx opset=9 imgsz=160
As a result, the yolov8n.onnx was generated in a working directory.
You can also use this notebook to export and download a model.
When exported, copy a .onnx file to a *Assets/Weights** directory.
Build and deploy on HL2
- Drag and drop a exported neural network weights file to a Model property in Unity Editor.
- In top bar select File->Build Settings->Build. Create a folder to place a build files and start a build process.
- After finished, open a build directory, open a .sln file with a project, make sure to pick a proper build configuration, architecture and device, then build and deploy solution.
We have used a following versions of software:
- Unity Editor 2021.3.20f1
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 17.5.1
- Barracuda 3.0.0
This project uses a https://github.com/EnoxSoftware/HoloLensCameraStream plugin to gather camera feed and calculate a pose of bounding boxes in a 3D space.