kollivier / cloud-chef

Automation tooling for running chef scripts
MIT License
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Cloud Chef Fabric Tasks

Fabric scripts to create a temporary cheffing server running Debian GNU/Linux. System prerequisites for ricecooker are installed, and the /data directory is provisioned with lots of disk space.


virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


fab -R cloud-kitchen pypsaux    # shows all python processes on server cloud-kitchen
fab -R cloud-kitchen psaux_str  # shows all processes on server cloud-kitchen

Basic usage

1. Edit the inventory file


Must specify:

2. Setup chef script

fab -R cloud-kitchen  setup_chef:<nickname>

The above command will clone chef code, create a virtual environment, and install the python packages in the requirements.txt for the project.

Run update_chef task to update chef code to latest version (fetch and checkout --hard).

To remove chef code completely and start from scratch, use unsetup_chef.

3. Run it

fab -R cloud-kitchen  run_chef:<nickname>

You can also run chef in background

fab -R cloud-kitchen run_chef:<nickname>,nohup=true

Daemon mode

Start chef with --daemon and --cmdsock options:

fab -R cloud-kitchen start_chef_daemon:<nickname>

To stop the chef daemon, run:

fab -R cloud-kitchen stop_chef_daemon:<nickname>

Scheduled chef runs cronjob

Follow daemon mode setup to start a daemon chef, then call

fab -R cloud-kitchen  list_scheduled_chefs
fab -R cloud-kitchen  schedule_chef:<nickname>

To unschedule a chef use the unschedule_chef task.

Creating a github repo for a new chef

The code for each chef script lives in its own github repo under the learnignequality org. Run the following command to create an empty github repo for a new chef:

fab create_github_repo:chef-nickname,source_url="https://url_of_sourcewebsite.org"

This will create the github repository https://github.com/learningequality/sushi-chef-chef-nickname and enable read/write access to this repo for the "Sushi Chefs" team. The source_url argument is optional, but it's nice to have. This command requires a github API key to be present in the credentials/ dir.