kolorobot / spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype

The project is a Maven archetype for Spring MVC web application.
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Spring MVC Quickstart Maven Archetype


The project is a Maven archetype for Spring MVC web application.

Generated project characteristics


Create a project

    mvn archetype:generate \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=pl.codeleak \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=spring-mvc-quickstart \
        -DarchetypeVersion=5.0.1 \
        -DgroupId=my.groupid \
        -DartifactId=my-artifactId \
        -Dversion=version \

Note: The above command will bootstrap a project using the archetype published here: http://kolorobot.github.io/spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype

Run the project

Navigate to newly created project directory (my-artifactId) and then run:

    mvn test tomcat7:run

Note: I do not recommend this way of running the artifact. Tomcat Maven Plugin Version 2.2 was released on 2013-11-11

Test in the browser


Note: No additional services are required in order to start the application. Mongo DB configuration is in place but it is not used in the code.

Create a new project in IntelliJ

Note: If you would like to create a project using archetype published in your local repository, skip repository field and make sure it is installed locally (see below).

Creating a new project in Spring Tool Suite

Note: Remember so select Include snapshot archetypes.

If you have any troubles with installation in Eclipse, you may want to have a look at this issue: #74

Install archetype locally

To install the archetype in your local repository execute the following commands:

    git clone https://github.com/kolorobot/spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype.git
    cd spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype
    mvn clean install

Create a project from a local repository

Create a new empty directory for your project and navigate into it and then run:

    mvn archetype:generate \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=pl.codeleak \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=spring-mvc-quickstart \
        -DarchetypeVersion=5.0.1 \
        -DgroupId=my.groupid \
        -DartifactId=my-artifactId \

Note: The above command will bootstrap a project using the archetype published in your local repository.

Switching to PostgreSQL



Enabling MongoDB repositories

// @EnableMongoRepositories(basePackageClasses = Application.class)

Now you can add repositories to your project:

public interface MyRepository extends MongoRepository<MyDocument, String> {
