koma-im / continuum-desktop

Matrix client in kotlin
GNU General Public License v3.0
66 stars 8 forks source link

No more non-OSX JARs and no build instructions #9

Open lbeltrame opened 4 years ago

lbeltrame commented 4 years ago

As the subject says. I wanted to test this client, but I was unable to do so as there are no more Linux builds since 29th Sep 2019.

Additionally, there are no instructions to build from source (which would be helpful for those who can do it).

yuforia commented 4 years ago

I'll look into it as soon as possible

yuforia commented 4 years ago

Sorry for forgetting this option, the building process is actually very simple. Make sure you have a recent version of JRE, and then just run ./gradlew shadowjar in the repo to build a "fat jar" that includes all dependencies. The output will be a single file in build/libs/, which can be launched with Java:

java -jar build/libs/continuum-desktop-*-bundled.jar

Alternatively, the ./gradlew runtime command produces a release that does not depend on the JRE once the building is finished. Note that if you use some versions of JRE from Debian it may include large components that can be several times larger than the adoptopenjdk version, probably due to included debug symbols. The output is a directory build/image/, a launcher is in the subdirectory bin:


The directory build/image/ can be moved anywhere and the launcher bin/continuum-desktop inside it works. The directory could also be packaged into a single executable with tools like AppImage.