koma-im / continuum-desktop

Matrix client in kotlin
GNU General Public License v3.0
66 stars 8 forks source link
instant-messaging irc kotlin matrix


Build Status

Pure Kotlin Matrix client.




Builds are provided on the Releases page.

Option a: Single binary executable

This is the easiest option, download a single file and launch with one click.

For Linux, download a file with the .AppImage extension.

Note that you may need to mark the file as executable.

Option b: Executable jar

If you have a JRE (version 11 or newer recommended) installed, Continuum can run on it. The advantage of this option is smaller package size (about 20MB).

Download a jar file for your platform (the macOS version is marked as osx). Then you can launch Continuum with the command java -jar followed by the jar file. Or, depending on the set-up, you may be able to launch Continuum with a double-click.

Note that the jar files are built for each platform as they contain natively compiled code.

Option c: Use the source

git clone https://github.com/koma-im/continuum-desktop.git

In the source code directory, run ./gradlew shadowjar to build a jar package that includes all dependencies. The output will be a single file in build/libs/, to launch it, use the java command:

java -jar build/libs/continuum-desktop-*-bundled.jar

Alternatively, you can also run ./gradlew runtime, and a release that does not depend on the java command will be built. The output is a directory build/image/, a launcher is in the subdirectory bin:


The launcher can be run from anywhere to launch Continuum.

Signing in

Use your matrix ID, such as @jane:matrix.org (Support for other forms of username coming soon) and your password to login

A token will be saved so the next time you login, password doesn't need to be entered.