konato-events / web

Your event discovery directory.
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Konato - Event Discovery

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Activity Graph

How to handle this... thing.


  1. Clone the project. You've probably already done it now, or at least know how to do if you're reading this file.
  2. Spin up the docker containers: docker-compose up -d
  3. Make sure those folders have write access by the server:
    • bootstrap/cache
  4. Create an environment file for you: cp .env.example .env
  5. Insert cool keys into it, for cool cryptographic operations: docker-compose exec php ./artisan key:generate
  6. Install all dependencies (If you don't have NPM, see the next section):
    • docker-compose exec php composer install
    • yarn global add gulp (not mandatory, but will help you with some commands)
    • yarn

Package managers

Seriously? You don't have those nice Composer/Yarn guys there? Ok, keep reading:


This guy is now bundled onto the Docker image so we are good to go.

Node & Yarn

As NPM is quite a heavy guy and you, as a developer, probably already have that somewhere in your machine, we didn't add that into the containers. So you can just keep using your local version - instead of stuffing our cool Alpine image with Node.
To make matters easier, you should preferably use the Node Version Manager (if you prefer not, go to node.js and do whatever is suggested there):

First, you should check the latest NVM release to use the version number in the first command.

$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.26.1/install.sh \
  | sudo NVM_DIR=/usr/local/nvm bash
$ nvm install lts-boron # Installs the latest stable LTS release. You can use `nvm ls-remote` to see specific versions
$ nvm use node # enables io.js right away, without having to restart the shell

To get Yarn, a superset of NPM for package management, take a look at their install page.

Assets management

Laravel comes pre-packed with Elixir, an easier way to run Gulp tasks. No, it's not the Brazilian, easier version of Erlang.


We use PostgreSQL here - as it's prepackaged in Heroku and has cool geolocation features if we need them later. The PostgreSQL docker image will get you a database and user, and then you need to create the rest of the db: docker-compose exec php ./artisan migrate.

To access the PostgreSQL database, use psql -h -WU konato konato from your machine or inside the db container (remember, Alpine-based images run on sh, not bash).

Deploying to production

We needed to make some tweaks to the original project to have it running smoothly inside Heroku.

Environment variables

Laravel uses .env to manage environment variables. Sadly, it seems there's no easy way to have a production .env file, since we don't have access to the production machines and what's deployed is exactly the same codebase. However, Heroku provides a way to configure env vars as well. And they override Laravel ones. Great! The command is heroku config:set VAR=value. This can be used to alter other variables, and I guess this can be changed in the Heroku Dashboard as well.

Current list of custom variables we had to setup to have the application working:


Inside Heroku, logs must be sent to stdout/stderr. In Laravel 5, this is done by configuring logs to go to errorlog.
PaperTrail is a Heroku addon that enables us to see the log stream, live - it can be accessed from the Heroku Dashboard as well.

Logging to stdout also enables us to read logs through docker-compose logs.

Additional deployment procedures

To make matters easier, there's a helper script in the root folder called deploy. It's scheduled to run in Composer every time a new composer install command is issued -- but rest assured, it won't complicate your development life: it verifies the environment before compressing and caching files ;)