kondor6c / ansible_linux_common

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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====================================== Common Linux Automation tasks Concepts

Very common automation actions across every system configurations. We set these kinds of parameters on almost every machine we manipulate. Some of these examples include:

While it could be argued that these could go into roles of their own, this is a jumping off point and if they are simple enough moving them to a different role just to insert an NTP configuration file seems like it might actually complicate things because you'd be looking at a separate role just to find that this role does one simple task like adding the configuration file and restarting the service. I try to consider this an "incubating" role. Where you can add content, and move it out when you deem neccessary.

Trends and patterns

setype is generally considered and tried to be used when possible


I wanted to define configuration as variables. Which often meant that complex dictionaries were used and handling them. A missing attribute or modifying a nested value is not easily done in Ansible. With that in mind I hesitated greatly on the complexity/difficulty that it brings. I tried very hard to create good safe defaults. For more information on these look at Data Structures


Ansible >= 2.8 Fedora CentOS or RHEL >= 7 Ubuntu or Debian

Role Variables

Sensible defaults are defined and prevent this role from failing. Even if you run this role on an internal company's systems. This role will work on a standard Linux install, perhaps at your home. This is a critical design step, the reasoning was that if this role could setup a system that isn't tied to many dependencies of an enterprise company a new sysadmin/operator might feel more comfortable to experiment and maintain/extend the automation instead of fearing breaking something that can only be ran on a corporate system.

The disadvantage of this is that the variables tend to be complex. Where I tried to handle both use cases of a corporate Centos 7 machine and a home Fedora machine simultaneously a personal private cloud mail server running Ubuntu (and maybe sometime soon, a home arm64 machine running gentoo or arch). Some of the variables are using lists of dicts, this is mostly to help with organization. For example the repositories: cat defaults/main.yml |yq '.yum_repos[] | select(.long_name | test(Centos* ) |not) | select(.gpg_key | test(EPEL* ) |not)'

Data Structures

.. code-block: yaml net_hosts:

Example Playbook

.. code-block: yaml


new features





Author Information

Kevin Faulkner