Loco is an extremly fast CLI linter for Localization.strings and swift files.
Untranslated strings in your swift files
Empty values
Duplicate keys
Unused keys
Missing keys in one or more languages
Missing a translation file for a whole language
Works with swiftgen generated localizations.
Compile the project using terminal (or Xcode)
swift build -c release
swift build
Copy the loco binary from either .build/release or .build/debug to
In build phases. Add run script (+)
if which loco > /dev/null; then
echo "warning: Loco is not installed. Compile from https://github.com/konrad1977/loco"
Make sure you run loco before compile sources to get info where you are missing a semicolon
Just run loco from your project root.
$ loco
Lint individual swift files (check for missing translations only)
$ loco -f "/myProject/Sources/Subfolder/somefile.swift"
Enable colored output
$ loco --color
With color
Without color