konsolebox / scripts

Repository for various scripts I make
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A repository for various scripts I make.


Searches for binary files based on the value of $PATH.


A script I use to automate building of initrd image.


A simple and convenient enhancement wrapper for cd.


A Ruby script that runs multiple instances of dnscrypt-proxy.

It parses a CSV file and makes use of the entries found in it as target remote services when creating instances of dnscrypt-proxy. Remote services are checked for availability before an instance of dnscrypt-proxy is used to connect to them. An FQDN can also be used to check if a remote service can resolve names.

The script waits for all instances to exit before it exits. It also automaticaly stops them when it receives SIGTERM or SIGINT.


Simple script that finds matching entries in ~/.bash_history using specified keywords


Scripts that implement getabspath() for various shells. getabspath() is a function for shell scripts that's intended to get the strict absolute form of a path (strict in a sense that the resulting path would remain consistent even if another item is appended unto it), without relying on an external command if possible.


Scripts that implement getcleanpath() for various shells. getcleanpath() is similar to getabspath() but it doesn't care about the format of its input to base on for its output. It would always produce an output similar to realpath where the path would never end in / unless it's the root directory itself.


Sends signals to process trees with style.

The script also contains reusable functions for working with process trees.


A less poetic version of killtree.


Finds library files by keywords or expressions in directories specified by /etc/ld.so.conf and its subfiles, or in common library directories specified in an integrated list.


Searches for manual pages based on $MANPATH.


This tool maps partitions in a block device to logical devices using dmsetup and sfdisk.


Copies files along with their dependencies to a virtual root directory. The resulting file's path is reproduced based on its source.


Basically a wrapper for 'tail -f' and 'grep --line-buffered'


The script is a tcpdump service starter and manager. It can also automatically delete files older than C days, and reduce the size of the main log file if it's already larger than N bytes.

I wrote it back in 2010 for an LQ thread. Right now tcpdump already has most of its features.


Removes trailing spaces in files.


Converts device paths in a fstab file to UUID forms.


Renames files and directories based on their 160-bit KangarooTwelve checksum while avoiding conflict on files with different content.