konstantinkrassmann / ngCordova-nfc

Wrapper for the NFC functionality
MIT License
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ngCordova Wrapper for cordova-plugin-nfc feature

This is a unofficial ngCordova plugin (just adapts the way the functionality got wrapped).

It will replace the success and fail callbacks with promises.


via bower:

bower install git://github.com/konstantinkrassmann/ngCordova-nfc --save-dev

How it works:

Set as dependency of your application

angular.module("myApp", ["ngCordova.plugins.nfc"]);

Include into application:

<script src="https://github.com/konstantinkrassmann/ngCordova-nfc/raw/master/lib/ngCordova-nfc/nfc.js"></script>

Make sure you have the phone-gap nfc plugin installed (can be used for cordova, too)

cordova plugin add https://github.com/chariotsolutions/phonegap-nfc

Use in componentens:

app.controller("StartCtrl", function($cordovaNfc, $cordovaNfcUtil){

  //Because of the problem about the async-ness of the nfc plugin, we need to wait
  //for it to be ready.

        //Use the plugins interface as you go, in a more "angular" way
            //Callback when ndef got triggered
        //Success callback
            console.log("bound success");
        //Fail callback

        console.log( nfcUtil.bytesToString("some bytes") )